About Jeremy Linder

Jeremy Linder is an Oregon Duck football fanatic, dad and hobby farmer. He also writes about Astoria Oregon Real Estate and neighborhood news.

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What real estate CRM's can learn from Highrise

What real estate CRM's can learn from Highrise

It seems there are as many real estate crm providers out there as agents in the business. A quick google search for the phrase real estate crm returned over 30,000,000 results! With so many companies competing for the same customers you would think several players…

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Craigslist Real Estate Strategy: More Traffic & Leads

Craigslist Real Estate Strategy: More Traffic & Leads

In many markets the online classified site Craigslist.org gets insane amounts of traffic. Many real estate agents have attempted to take advantage of this by repeatedly posting ineffective ads and conclude it’s not a reliable source of website traffic or lead generation for them. Heck,…

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