About Nathan Joens

Nate is the co-founder of Structurely, building artificial intelligence for real estate to help personalize interactions buyers and sellers have through messaging. Nate works with a team of 3 data scientists specializing in artificial intelligence technology who love to solve the tough problems they are faced with in real estate data.

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What we learned from hand training A.I. on 25k+ property descriptions

What we learned from hand training A.I. on 25k+ property descriptions

Hardcore artificial intelligence technology companies like x.ai and wit.ai are using hand trained datasets to enhance their artificial intelligence offerings. This is a tedious and sweaty process that we’ve been tackling for real estate at Structurely, and our A.I has learned a lot already. This was not an easy…

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Geeking Out On Artificial Intelligence In Real Estate

Geeking Out On Artificial Intelligence In Real Estate

As a real estate guy, sometimes I look over to my data scientist’s screen and believe what he is doing is some sort of magic — it’s like pure computer science sorcery. I mean, they’re building a chatbot that can communicate using human language and learn…

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Bots, Aren’t So Elementary, Watson

Bots, Aren’t So Elementary, Watson

Bot, Why? Sherlock Holmes once said, “It is my business to know what other people don’t.” Real estate agents can certainly attest to this as they are inundated with requests from prospective home buyers and sellers for information. This information is a real estate agent’s most valuable…

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