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Tag: artificial intelligene

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Jerry Chu from Lofty AI

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Jerry Chu from Lofty AI

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Jerry Chu from Lofty AI. Who are you, and what do you do? Jerry Chu, I’m the CEO & Co-Founder at Lofty AI, a Y Combinator-backed real estate tech startup in Silicon Valley. What…

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Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Vin Vomero from Foxy AI

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Vin Vomero from Foxy AI

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Vin Vomero from Foxy AI. Who are you, and what do you do? Vin Vomero, founder and CEO of Foxy AI. I am a former real estate developer turned tech entrepreneur. When an appraisal…

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Revaluate puts success into your hands without any added work

Revaluate puts success into your hands without any added work

[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the Geek Estate Mastermind. Today’s showcase: Revaluate] Being a real estate agent or lender is a grueling job with more factors than you can count. The amount of uncertainty associated with finding…

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AI, Tech Platforms, and Shiny Objects

AI, Tech Platforms, and Shiny Objects

AI (artificial intelligence) does work across dozens of industries. Just ask Amazon, Starbucks, Target, and Walmart. What do those four have in common? Years of operational data, the money to invest in such an initiative, and experts in the discipline who know how to balance…

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What we learned from hand training A.I. on 25k+ property descriptions

What we learned from hand training A.I. on 25k+ property descriptions

Hardcore artificial intelligence technology companies like and are using hand trained datasets to enhance their artificial intelligence offerings. This is a tedious and sweaty process that we’ve been tackling for real estate at Structurely, and our A.I has learned a lot already. This was not an easy…

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