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Tag: bots

An Outside Industry Perspective on Chatbots

An Outside Industry Perspective on Chatbots

If you’re an agent or broker, chances are good you probably won’t find much value in watching the following video. However, if you’re a founder, executive, consultant, or technology vendor in this industry, you should. The video is an interview with Paul English, the founder…

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More on Chatbots

More on Chatbots

You likely know I’ve been thinking about bots recently. For those curious about the topic, I encourage to to read Inside chatbots’ year of growing pain: We’re at an inflection point on Marketing Land. Like I said, I do see potential for bots. I just…

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What Happens When Alexa Talks First?

What Happens When Alexa Talks First?

Most mornings, I ask Alexa about the weather and daily news. It’s replaced me using my oven timer (best feature by far). Unfortunately, Alexa/AppleTV don’t work together, or I’d use Alexa a lot more (have an AppleTV, and play a lot of music using the YouTube…

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Chatbots (and AI) — and Winning the Consumer

Chatbots (and AI) — and Winning the Consumer

There’s a lot of talk about AI and bots. Much of it centered around increased conversion and acquisition. Cool tech for the sake of tech is great. But that doesn’t make it a business, nor does it make it a product consumers want (or need) to…

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Geeking Out On Artificial Intelligence In Real Estate

Geeking Out On Artificial Intelligence In Real Estate

As a real estate guy, sometimes I look over to my data scientist’s screen and believe what he is doing is some sort of magic — it’s like pure computer science sorcery. I mean, they’re building a chatbot that can communicate using human language and learn…

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The Future of Search….and Bots

The Future of Search….and Bots

You may have read the recent post on Inman (subscription wall) about bot vs broker when sourcing homes for a buyer to tour. It says, in an unscientific test, the bot can more accurately recommend the properties buyers will like viewing in person. I wrote a…

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How A Bot Reduced Our Workload By 80%

How A Bot Reduced Our Workload By 80%

As both Drew and now Nathan have written, there is a lot of nascent interest in bots for real estate. Most technologists tend to focus on the consumer-facing use cases: helping buyers figure out which homes to look at, answering basic questions about listings, etc. At…

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Bots, Aren’t So Elementary, Watson

Bots, Aren’t So Elementary, Watson

Bot, Why? Sherlock Holmes once said, “It is my business to know what other people don’t.” Real estate agents can certainly attest to this as they are inundated with requests from prospective home buyers and sellers for information. This information is a real estate agent’s most valuable…

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Bots, and Real Estate

Bots, and Real Estate

Some of you may have heard the recent news Facebook launched a bot platform for messenger (see GeekWire post here). The developers/technologists reading should head over and learn more here: What are some of the uses for the bot platform in a real estate context? How…

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