It’s no secret I’m not the biggest fan of the Broker Public Portal. I really don’t see how it makes strategic financial sense, and have long thought the project will be a colossal waste of money rebuilding the exact offering that has taken Zillow 10 years – and millions and millions of dollars – to build. I don’t see a way to differentiate the product, or a sustainable way to generate organic traffic (short of the whole industry ceasing to send listings to Zillow, which I don’t see happening).

But honestly, what do I know — the industry can invest their hard earned money into whatever initiatives or products they want.

That said, the BPP board made a smart decision by selecting 1000Watt as their brand and creative agency.


I’ve known Marc, Brian, and Joel for a long time. I’ve worked with them. I’ve seen their work. They know what they’re doing. Investors in BPP should be happy; your odds of success just went way up. I hope you gave 1000Watt equity as an added financial upside in the success of the initiative.

The big questions that still remain:

  1. Who’s doing technology? Have those people built successful consumer applications before?
  2. How is the product differentiated, and what’s the traffic acquisition strategy? How do they plan to get buyers to actually use this website instead of Zillow, Redfin, or one of the thousands upon thousands of agent/broker websites in existence?
  3. Why is it a “website” and not a mobile platform?
  4. To consumers, what is the answer to “why?”. Why was BPP created, and why should they care? And please don’t tell me “for the consumer good”.