Checklist for Advertising an Open House
Open houses are NOT dead. Not by a long shot. Just recently I posted on Zillow after Spencer Rascoff praised a local Realtor in his neighborhood who was working a listing very hard. Buyers and shoppers have access to plenty of information now. They want to see homes when they want but they don’t always want to “waste” their real estate agent’s time. Just recently I got an offer on one of my listings as a direct result of hold an open house. Had it not been held open, I doubt the buyer would have even come to see it.
That being said, there are many more ways to advertise an open house these days. Some cost money like the newspaper, sending flyers to other agents, etc. There are plenty of free ways though too. In many cases, I think the free methods may be more effective at marketing to your target audience but I have one paid method in here that I am experimenting with as well. When I advertise an open house these days I:
Post it on my local MLS and my brokerage’s website (if applicable) – This is a no brainer. If your MLS has a place to enter broker’s opens, you should certainly use it since many agents do check there to see when occupied properties will be available for viewing. I’m with Windermere and they also have a place to post public opens. Anywhere I can advertise an open house for free is on top of my list.
Use Postlets to create a Craigslist ad – I like Postlets because it creates very attractive ads in the first place. It saves me a lot of time being able to copy and paste for Craigslist instead of trying to type up a text ad from scratch or busting out html on the fly. Neither of those methods rival Postlets. Check out my Postlets page for examples of what the ads look like. This is pretty similar to what you’ll see when you use them to post your ad on Craigslist as well.
Use to syndicate the open house ad and track it – The jury is still out on this website as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve been giving it a chance lately and it has gained a few more sets of eyeballs. It’s easy to use and the price is right so why not? They spew out a feed on Twitter of all the open houses people input. This can’t be a bad thing.
Zillow! – Zillow is yet another place to post open houses. Once again, free exposure is a good thing so take all of it that you can get.
Advertise my open on twitter and facebook – Postlets makes this ridiculously easy but don’t forget to punch in the time and date that you will be there. See my twitter for a sample of what my open house ads look like. I use facebook to keep in touch directly with other real estate agents, past clients, friends and family. It doesn’t hurt to share your open houses with them. First off, it gives you something to write about. Second, it lets them know you are still actively in the real estate business. Third, you never know, they may just want to see it.
Change my blog entry about the listing to highlight there is an open house – I have started to write conversational blog entries on my blog about my various listings. When I say conversational, I mean that it’s not just my MLS listing rehashed. It’s neighborhood information along with other property or building information that you would not have room for on a normal flyer. I make sure to pepper the entry with keywords that are used by people who might want to see my listing. Here is the link to the listings I have posted on my blog so you can see what I’m talking about.
Direct market to agents – Other real estate agents are still your number one source of buyers. I try to send out emails to follow up with agents who have shown the property already. Also send out to agents who have other listings nearby. They are not your competition, they can be your biggest allies and many of them would love to join up with you and hold their properties open as well. Another idea is to check any data you may have harvested on Google Analytics. Look to see which city most traffic to your listing has come from and focus your marketing effort on those agents.
Use google adwords to stir up some more traffic – This is one of my newest tricks. I’ve started purchasing keywords on Google Adwords for certain properties I have listed. I won’t post the ones I’m using here because I don’t want any of you skewing my data. 😉 I’ll give you some hints here though. Say you have a Brownstone in New Jersey for sale and you are going to hold it open soon. You would want to go on google and use their Keyword Tool. This tool allows you to see how much traffic various keywords are getting. A couple of phrases I would try would be “New Jersey brownstone”, “Brownstone for sale”, “New Jersey townhouse”. You can purchase ALL of these phrases and set a monthly ad budget. This will keep your costs in line. Aim the ad you create back at your conversational blog entry or somewhere else you’ve advertised your open house. I plan to elaborate on this later in another blog when I’ve had more experience with it but my first impression has been very positive.
These are just a few of the things that *I* have been doing lately to stir up traffic to my open houses. What have you been doing? I would like to hear; please post in the comments if you have any other ideas. « CSRA Real Estate
Posted at 06:56h, 27 May[…] sold this way, agents should also be advertising on some of the most popular real estate sites. The Geek Estate blog recently posted a checklist of places agents should advertise an open house. How many of these is your agent using? How many […]
Open Homez
Posted at 07:26h, 27 MayThanks for the mention Geordy. To add to Geordy’s comments here is a list of our current syndications and exposures of your listings. (not just Twitter).
Our FAQs are here:
Enjoy! Thanks again for the mention. Larry
American Dream Realty - Hawaii
Posted at 10:47h, 27 MayNice post Geordy for those that spend their Sundays sitting an open house.
Agents are actually still doing open houses? I personally think there are more productive things to do to generate business than sitting at an open house waiting for a potential buyer to come that is not already working with an agent.
I am sure someone will respond that they have sold homes from them. I will agree that if you sit them every Sunday for years you will sell a few homes. I just think there are better ways to generate business that are more pro-active.
I guess if you are going to spend a Sunday sitting at somebodies house, there are some good ideas in this post that make it a little more pro-active.
Robert Dodd
Posted at 12:37h, 27 MayOne of the items listed was “Direct market to agents”
[removed for self promotion]
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 15:20h, 27 MayOpenhomez,
I just discovered you site in comments on this blog the other day. It looks very promising and I’m hoping a few more people find our house via your syndication efforts.
Thanks for reading my checklist. Make sure you follow that link to Spencer Rascoff’s comment on Zillow. Holding opens is largely about your client’s perception of what YOU are doing to sell THEIR home. It is the absolute easiest thing for your client to see. It’s a quantifiable effort.
Not only that, with the advent of technology, buyers WITH agents are finding homes on their own and instead of calling up their agent for a showing, they will take a Sunday and bounce around them on their own. If they see something they like, they may bring their agent back to it or just have their agent write it up.
Lastly, open houses are a great way to meet new potential clients. Both buyers and sellers. Sellers who see you out there, meet you and ask, “well what’s my house worth?” and of course buyers, “If this house doesn’t work for you, I have another listing up the road”.
Kristin Balsley
Posted at 19:15h, 27 MayA good, creative open house is still a great tool but the technology for marketing and promotion has changed dramatically. You may not get an offer at every open house but you will be able to increase your circle by meeting other agents and potential clients. It’s one of many tools that should be used in concert with one another in order to get the best results.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 20:25h, 27 MayRobert-
You have an obvious bias, and I edited your comment to remove the self promotion.
American Dream Realty - Hawaii
Posted at 21:15h, 27 MayGeordy –
In my opinion that is not a good reason to hold them:
“Holding opens is largely about your client’s perception of what YOU are doing to sell THEIR home. It is the absolute easiest thing for your client to see. It’s a quantifiable effort.”
I would prefer not to hold them just to try and justify a commission. I would hope they are hiring for a lot more than baby sitting their home on a Sunday afternoon. Especially since the likelyhood of getting it sold from an open house is very low. Why not be honest with the sellers and let them know that a very low percentage of homes get sold from an open house. Then you can spend your time in more productive things.
Most sellers really do not like leaving their home so any stranger or nosy neighbor can come through their house.
As I mentioned though, you have a great list of things to consider if you are going to do them. Thanks for sharing!!
Justin Britt
Posted at 12:20h, 29 MayI think open houses are great and encourage all my agents to hold them. In fact, we’re going to begin rewarding agents by giving them the following privileges during their open houses:
1. Giving them leads off the website that come in during their scheduled open house time.
2. Allowing them to do live chat during their open house (when they’re not helping buyers at the open house, of course).
This will allow them to attract more business other then people just walking through the door and shows our appreciation because we know they’re working hard for the brokerage.
Lynn W- Hawaii
Posted at 11:16h, 03 JuneGreat post. I will use it in agent training. I beleive OH works for the right personality. Not all agent fair well.
Its a good way for Buyers to talk to and meet the right agent.
Thank you for the alternative ideas.
Posted at 10:28h, 03 MarchI have a Scottsdale SEO company that has been doing my Internet Marketing and I am impressed at the amount of search engine exposure I have received and the value it has brought to my marketing efforts.
Drexel Hill Realtor
Posted at 18:25h, 13 MayI like the point about the adwords ads for an open house. I am curious as to how effective it could be. I am not a big believer in the open house, but I have been coming around. I recently spent 3 hours at an open house for one of my listings and walked away with a 450K buyer that I have been shopping around.
Drexel Hill Realtor
Posted at 01:25h, 14 MayI like the point about the adwords ads for an open house. I am curious as to how effective it could be. I am not a big believer in the open house, but I have been coming around. I recently spent 3 hours at an open house for one of my listings and walked away with a 450K buyer that I have been shopping around.
free classifieds ads
Posted at 04:34h, 08 Junewell, quick checklist that will help you prepare your home for sale. … Advertise the open house in the weekend real estate