Converting Your Real Estate Website Traffic Into Leads
Mоѕt buyers today prefer pulling up their favorite search engine and running a quick search online to find out аbоut the latest properties аvаilаblе on their local market, but the visitor to lead ratio with online traffic can be unusually low…if you don’t know how to convert your traffic into leads. The internet plays a major role in the growth of уоur realty business online and offline, therefore having your own conversion optimized website is crucial.
Some recent studies have shown agent’s websites that generate large volumes of traffic have only about a 2% – 4% conversion rate. Now what do I mean by “conversion rate”? Conversion rate basically means that 2% – %4 of the websites visitors turn into a hot lead for the agent to follow up with, they “converted”. This implies that there are numerous people who visit these agent’s websites and simply never become leads because either the websites are not optimized properly or the visitor simply did not know what to do once they were on the website.
Either way it’s a loss of a potential lead and leads are vital to agents in this industry. Is this happening to you? If so, don’t stress we can fix this! There are сеrtаin factors which саn dramatically improve your websites conversion rate and turn some of those internet visitors into leads. Let’s start with the basics of website conversion.
As you can see to the right this is the basic lay out of a website. Nice, neat and clean. So how can we increase our visitor conversion rates? Well number 1 you MUST have a form on your website that a visitor can fill out to learn more about your properties or just get more general information. You might be thinking oh OK well I have a contact us page. No. You need a form right on the home page that a visitor can see as soon as they land on your website! A form that collects the visitors name and email right away or has a property search function which will collect their information after they do a home search. Here’s a great example below.
See how as soon as you land on this website right in front of you is a search box and in the top right corner a bold button that says contact us. This is great! Whoever designed this website designed it with conversion in mind. Your website must have these designs implemented in order to maximize your visitor to lead conversion rate.
Your website must be attractive to the eye, it must have photos, be easy to navigate, have detailed information аbоut your properties, virtual tours, contact information and information аbоut the neighboring area is also very important. People want to search the area they are looking to buy in.
In order to make your website more attractive, the primary element is to put a photo of you and photos of the brokerage or company you work for on display, this will help build instant trust between you and your website visitors. You should also always have оnе or two paragraphs about the neighborhood of the property your showing. Stick with these simple rules to live by and your website conversion rates will skyrocket!
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 07:18h, 24 AugustRobert, thanks for the plug for We’ve spent years trying to optimize click-throughs and sign ups. Buyers want to search quickly, and will then give you their info–if you just ask for it.
Robert Andolina
Posted at 07:39h, 25 AugustRight on Sam! If people land on your site just show them where to go, simple as that!
Generating Real Estate Leads with Google PPC - GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 13:18h, 18 October[…] Last, but not least, make certain that your paid traffic is being directed to a webpage that is properly setup to capture their lead information. This step is essential, otherwise, no matter how effective your ad copy or how precise your keyword selection, your paid traffic will never convert to leads. Make it simple and intuitive for the visitors to leave their information. Using landing pages prior to proceeding to your main site is an effective way of accomplishing this. See my previous article for this here. […]
Nick Zara
Posted at 04:11h, 24 OctoberI have found that one of the best way to capture a visitor’s email is to offer something free, for example a “Don’t Hire A Real Estate Agent Until You’ve Read This” report or ebook.
If your freebie is good – in the sense that it gets your visitor curious and wants to find out more – you’ll get a lot more conversions then all your regular “lead capture” forms, such as the search feature, where the visitor needs to fill out their info in order to see the search results.
Once you get their email address, establish a long term relationship by periodically sending them good content related to real estate.
Hope this helps.
Robert Andolina
Posted at 08:52h, 30 OctoberNick you are 100% right. Give people incentive to join your list. List is a great way (if not the best) to build your business with loyal recurring customers.
Posted at 20:02h, 19 AprilThanks for the article, I’m very familiar with the way website should display their information to capture and engage visitors, but I know the conversion rate may vary from industry to industry. What’s an average conversion rate for the real estate industry when you are a small boutique business? I was thinking around 1.2%, what are your thoughts around this?