Finding an Agent — LinkedIn Puts Their Toe in the Water
Anyone else seen LinkedIn’s new Pro Finder (found via Product Hunt)?
Of course, one of the massive categories in terms of finding a trusted professional is…
You guessed it.
It’s yet to be proved they can convince buyers and sellers to use this service. Clearly, if LinkedIn does (and that’s a big if), they will stand to gain substantially from connecting consumers with professionals.
Will it work?
PS: If you’re interested in this related concept, email me.
Sam DeBord
Posted at 14:03h, 16 NovemberWe both agree that reviews are gamed on nearly every platform. LinkedIn can be gamed, too, but at least there are real people’s profiles attached to each account. They might be able to generate a more trusted selection process this way, since it’s theoretically based on a personal referral foundation. It will take a lot of work, but it really does seem to fit their model well.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 14:05h, 16 NovemberYea, agreed. Just not sure how LinkedIn is ever going to get the average buyer/seller to specifically seek their service out to find a trusted agent. They will need to partner with someone with access to buyers…