Free Webinar: Social Media Strategies for RE Pros
If you’re struggling to understand how to best start or maximize the return on your social media efforts you’ll want to check out this Webinar on 9/23 at 11 PST. There are a lot of people in the RE landscape selling solutions to social media. Few match the knowledge of Jim Marks. Jim helps people understand that “Building business using social media is not intuitive. That’s why you need a strategy”. It’s free and worth checking out to find out the 5 key steps to building your own strategy.
Posted at 00:09h, 11 SeptemberDefinitely signing up for this. With SM being so hyped and real estate agents eagerly taking it on, it’s critical to have to a plan on how to successfully implement SM into an overall marketing plan (and the ability to measure its ROI).
Madison homes
Posted at 05:39h, 12 SeptemberI wish I had time to sign up for this course (seriously, I do) but I’m too busy selling real estate to tweeps I met on Twitter or peeps on Facebook I used to go to school with. While having a stategy sounds well and good, it seems like a real luxury in times where there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Then again, maybe having a strategy helps one accomplish the same (or better) results in less time?? If not, I’m not sure what the point is.
Madison homes
Posted at 05:55h, 12 SeptemberSounds great! I only wish I had time to sign up for this but, alas, I am too busy selling real estate to tweeps I met on Twitter and old friends I’ve reconnected with on Facebook! 😉
Realtor Agent
Posted at 01:15h, 30 SeptemberOh my gosh, I just missed this webinar. Is there a new schedule for this course? I am very much interested and eager to learn more about social media for RE. Thanks!