Generating Real Estate Leads with Google PPC
Using Google AdWords to run a real estate pay per click campaign can be a highly effective way to generate solid leads. It is important, however, to follow basic steps in the structuring of your pay per click campaign in order to ensure success.
Begin by staying focused on the primary dynamic that is involved with any pay per click campaign. Namely, that you will be paying for each instance that an individual clicks on your Google served ad. This requires you to pre-qualify your potential traffic before they even click on an ad. This involves choosing the appropriate Google display network along with writing effective ad copy and the selection of the all important keywords that will determine who will see your ads.
If you are new to real estate pay per click advertising then some of these steps may at first seem daunting. Breaking them up into manageable pieces will go a long way in helping you to understand and dominate them. Start with the issue of which Google display network to use. It is advisable for real estate related ads to opt for the “search network only” campaigns at first. This will allow you to serve your ads only to people that are using Google search, as opposed to having your ad dispersed throughout the vastness of the Google network. It might sound counter-intuitive to want to limit yourself only to the search network, but think about your target audience. Real estate leads are exponentially more likely to be found from people that are already actively searching for real estate related keyword phrases than from a broader audience. As you begin to analyze the results from your initial search-only ads, you will then be better positioned to determine how and if extending to other areas of the Google display network would benefit you.
Writing effective ad copy is often overlooked as an essential step in having a successful real estate pay per click campaign. After all, how difficult could writing a few lines be, right? Keep in mind that in text based ads it is these few lines of words which will determine who will be clicking on your ads. For real estate lead generation your ad copy should include words relevant to identifying the market area that you serve as well as the type of real estate segments that you specialize in (residential, commercial, etc.). It is equally important to avoid words and phrases that might attract “empty traffic.” Words like “free consultation” or vague terms which broaden your actual scope of operation may generate a higher number of clicks, but the traffic that this will generate will most likely have a much lower conversion rate for lead generation purposes.
In addition to ad copy, when you set up a pay per click campaign with Google you will be required to select the keywords and keyword phrases that will be used for serving your ad. For real estate leads you should avoid broad terms, such as “real estate” and think of more specific keywords. The phrase “real estate agent in (your town)” is a good starting point. Of course, since you will be bidding for these keyword phrases, chances are that your competitors might also be bidding for this same phrase, as such it is wise to come up with several more. Think the way your prospective client would think. Make a list of these phrases. Tools, such as the Google Keyword Planner will help you generate multiple keyword ideas.
Last, but not least, make certain that your paid traffic is being directed to a webpage that is properly setup to capture their lead information. This step is essential, otherwise, no matter how effective your ad copy or how precise your keyword selection, your paid traffic will never convert to leads. Make it simple and intuitive for the visitors to leave their information. Using landing pages prior to proceeding to your main site is an effective way of accomplishing this. See my previous article for this here.
The potential of pay per click advertising for real estate lead generation is tremendous. Just remember that the more focused your preparation and execution is, the more leads that you will get. Leave any questions in the comments!
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 18:04h, 18 OctoberIs there any data you have for PPC that can help us understand if we are doing good or bad. For example, average cost per click, or click through rate?
Also, if you force someone to register before showing them your website, do you know how many people actual register to continue on to the Website?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 18:44h, 18 OctoberThere are lots and lots of variables to those questions…
Experiment, and figure out what that percentage is
Drew Meyers
Posted at 18:47h, 18 OctoberHave a read through this –
Robert Andolina
Posted at 09:53h, 19 OctoberBryn great question. Not a simple answer! Average cost per click and CTR is different for every campaign and campaign goals. I CAN tell you that you always want to have a CTR of 1% and above. For each adgroup you have you should have 2 ads running. Once a week, you want to look at the previous weeks statistics and drop the losing ad and write a new one. Doing this every week will continually evolve your PPC campaign into a smooth lead generating machine.
Robert Andolina
Posted at 09:54h, 19 OctoberDrew great read by the way
Jeff Manson
Posted at 11:13h, 19 OctoberWe are managing many agents adwords accounts and averaging 10.25% conversion rate on sign ups 🙂 We have some accounts as high 18%.
We look at the conversion rate, but also really focus on getting the cost per (sign up) lead down as well. We range anywhere from $5 – $22 a lead depending on the market and what we are focusing on. In most markets we can get that under $12 per lead. Sometimes the higher end markets are really competitive and there are a lot of agents driving the cost per click up.
You really need to have a site that is fast, easy to use and gets the user to what they want to get the highest conversion rate possible!
Robert Andolina
Posted at 12:20h, 20 OctoberI couldn’t agree more with Jeff. If your site won’t convert the traffic is useless!