How can one generate more business from Facebook
Facebook is major player online and competing with Google for users and traffic. Agents and brokers need to seriously start thinking of ways to incorporate that in their business plans. I would be really interested to hear how agents are effectively driving traffic to their websites and converting it into business. Here are some questions to get the conversation going:
– How are you connecting with your past clients and COI on Facebook?
– How are you using business pages? How are you driving traffic to the business pages and then to your website?
– Are you advertising on Facebook and how?
– What Facebook apps have you been using and how effective have they been?
– What is the coolest thing you have seen an IDX vendor implement for Facebook and why?
– What kind of app would you like to see someone create for Facebook that would help your business and why?
– What SEO benefit have you seen from Facebook and how would one implement it?
– Do you think Bing is more relevant now since they power the web search on Facebook?
– What questions would you like to get answered from Geek estate readers?
Sharing ideas and networking helps us all grow plus gets us to start thinking out of our own little box. I am really excited to see what fellow Geek Estate contributors and readers have been doing on Facebook to take their business to new levels 🙂
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Posted at 14:08h, 08 February[…] How can one generate more business from Facebook | GeekEstate Blog … […]
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Posted at 14:23h, 08 February[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nick Kremydas, Real Estate Ninja, Geek Estate Blog, Justin Herring, Best Agent Blogs and others. Best Agent Blogs said: RT @geekestate How can one generate more business from Facebook […]
Tony Kawaguchi
Posted at 23:22h, 08 FebruaryJeff – I’m gonna bit the bullet and try a Facebook contest giveaway from my business site. watch for the next post!
Posted at 23:24h, 09 FebruaryHey Tony, I’d be interested to hear how that goes. Have you been doing anything that people may be interested in hearing about?
Michael Borger
Posted at 00:15h, 10 FebruaryThere’s no getting around Facebook these days, but it’s really cumbersome when you have to manage some sort of separation between personal and business, all while in the same ‘room’. That being said, I have my business page . I usually post excerpts from my two online blogs, my main company’s site and my Hawaii real estate blog . I do use the NetworkedBlogs app, but it’s underwhelmed me at times.
Tonight I’m co-hosting a bi-weekly investor happy hour so I created a link to the Meetup event page and posted that — now I can check how many posts it gets and gauge my audience.
My ‘fan’ list has been a bit stagnant of late but I haven’t been promoting it as much. There can be a HUGE disconnect between the number of fans you have and true engagement with people. It’s too easy to give a courteous Like to someone’s endeavor and then hide them from your wall — what good is that?
I had a landing page for the site but I really questioned whether it was helping or alienating people. They can be very, very annoying BUT I’m reconsidering it because I’m subscribing to the idea that it’s better to have one person who takes the effort to Like or sign up on the landing page than it is to have 4 or 5 wafflers or otherwise non-committed tire kickers.
Posted at 05:16h, 10 FebruaryI have to admit, I’m still skeptical in terms of Facebook being used as a conversion tool. But I could be wrong. It’s extremely powerful sphere building tool, but getting people to search for homes on Facebook? Does anyone have any proof that buyers do that??
Posted at 06:16h, 10 FebruaryDrew – Actually I just looked at my analytics on my Hawaii site and 50% of the traffic from Facebook actually did a search and 4% signed up for email alerts. Not a great conversion rate, but better than others 🙂
Tony Kawaguchi
Posted at 00:02h, 11 Februaryi’m not sure that immediate conversion can or should be measured from FB. It’s definitely a more long term marketing strategy of building a brand. Kind of like direct mail – do it for 2 yrs and then the payoff starts flowing big time.
I have several FB friends who mention me a lot as their Realtor because I always ‘friend’ my clients in FB and then post pictures of their new house on their profile and on mine when we close.
I make a blog post about their new home with a lot of pics and share it on their facebook wall and tag them in the pictures. They always get a TON of comments from their friends.
Eventually that will pay off.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 16:29h, 12 FebruaryWe have gotten serious about our FB page in the past 6 months. Just last month we received a card in the mail from a client. “We love your Facebook posts – we’re ready to buy a house.” (and they did.) I think FB is really great at driving readers to our blog who don’t use RSS or feed readers. Our custom “welcome page” drives readers to our IDX and allows registration to our Feedburner signup and more folks signup there than other places.
Real Estate Roundup – Week 6
Posted at 14:32h, 13 February[…] How can one generate more business from Facebook by Jeff Manson at Geek Estate Blog […]
Posted at 13:36h, 14 FebruaryThank you for sharing this information.