How much time do you spend on social networking vs working?
It’s proven that social media marketing, if done right, can lead to business — there are plenty of agents around the country that can tell you that. But how do agents find the time for social media amidst their busy days selling real estate? There’s a great question in Zillow Advice I wanted to link to in order to get feedback from the Geek Estate audience –“How much time do you spend on social networking vs. working?” and it was posted by Marsha Mayer in Florida:
I have to work real estate at least 12 hours per day which leaves 1 a.m. and later to review posts, ask and answer questions and write blog entries on my 3 favorite social media for real estate websites. It leaves little to no time to read and learn ‘etiquette rules, go to ‘camps’, learn more about SEO, attend local social media ‘friend’ groups. I am working for clients and with customers in real estate.
How much time do you spend on social networking vs. working per week? and HOW do you manage getting it all done?
There’s a fairly long discussion (28 replies as of right now) brewing, so I’d urge you to go check it out and chime in there. I’ve left several comments, but my overarching thought on this topic is that there are not enough real estate agents using SMART phones with email and web capabilities to produce content and engage others from the field during the day. In the present landscape, I’ll be honest, I don’t know how an agent can survive without having email on their phone; consumers want instant responses to their questions — a response 12 or 24 hours later means you’ve likely already lost that buyer or seller to another agent who responded quicker. Are using a SMART phone to make yourself more efficient? If so, are you only using it for email or are you also using it to create content on a daily basis while you’re out and about in your community?
Disclosure: Yes, I’m biased on this topic since I work for YouReach Media, which offers a social media training program for agents.
Yorba Linda Homes
Posted at 15:03h, 13 SeptemberYou’re right, getting into quite a bit of a discussion there (over 4 pages worth of commenting back and forth!) For me, I’d probably say I spend 8-9 hrs a day working actively in the real estate field and perhaps 30 minutes to an hour a day on social media and internet related marketing methods. I think that if it is done correctly, it should encompass your entire day (although I know real estate agents where they probably spend the same amount online as they do in the field..)
Realtor Agent
Posted at 06:29h, 18 OctoberI use my time on both working and social networking because I do work some of my work in social networking. I interact with potential clients and sometimes they give me feedback thru SM.
dieta personalizata
Posted at 05:19h, 03 JanuaryI have beeing trying to find the google for this info and i wanted to say thanks to you for the post. By the way, just off topic, where can i get a copy of this theme? – 10x