Injecting the Human into Tenant Reviews
[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: Whose Your Landlord]
A SaaS platform connecting renters with landlord reviews and community insights, Whose Your Landlord (WYL) allows “home providers” (landlords and property managers) to track how their units are performing. WYL protects the anonymity and personal data of residents in order to support honest reviews, which are then turned into analytics and insights for landlords. Home providers can then pay $2 per unit per month (discounted for larger contracts) for this information but cannot access any personal resident information.
WYL has resident reviews across more than 350 U.S. cities.
What we like: An avenue for honest feedback intended to foster accountability and insights for landlords is a welcomed tool for tenants.
*Part of the 2022 REACH Commercial Class.
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