There are, of course, numerous ways to generate leads for a real estate agents or brokerage.

Zillow/Trulia (aka Zillow Group). Organic SEO. Paid SEM. Content marketing. Working your sphere, day-in and day-out.

Another option is social media marketing — finding public conversations about buying or selling in your area, and interjecting yourself into those conversations.

Those opportunities exist on sites like StreetAdvisor (see here & here). In Zillow Advice, and Trulia Voices. On (example). In Facebook groups (founders: groups are the next Craigslist for distribution). In comments on blogs. And, increasingly, on Twitter.

Finding these scattered conversations is very manual.

Are any marketing managers actively doing this for brokerages? What about Virtual Results, Curaytor, or and BoomTown? Anyone developed a system to catch these conversations using a city or neighborhood as a query?

If I were an agent/broker, I would definitely pay something for a subscription service that sent me one email per day (or week) with links to relevant buying/selling/moving conversations I should contribute to about my local area of expertise.

[Disclosure: StreetAdvisor is a consulting client]