I’ve been thinking a bit about the future of Geek Estate recently…and I’d like to get some feedback from the readers here. I’ve never spent much time trying to monetize this blog, but the fact of the matter is that it does take time to maintain. I’m just starting the fundraising process for the new app we are building which is a time consuming process, and at some point, I won’t be able to spend as much time as I do without some sort of incentive aside from just loving real estate technology.


  • For the founders, would a private “real estate tech founders” community be something you’d find enough value in to pay for? You can take a look at an example model for this in the travel vertical, which was recently started by Matt Zito at travelstartups.co (I contribute travel tech content to his site every now and then).
  • Would you mind more ads?
  • What are your thoughts on sponsored posts?
  • For those subscribed to the email list, would you be opposed to a monthly email highlighting an offer from a vendor?
  • Would you donate to keep this blog running the way it is?
  • Do you know someone that would want to run/manage this blog, with the same mindset I do?

Feel free to either leave a comment, or email me your thoughts at drew at ohheyworld dot com.

PS: If your answer to the donate option was yes, below is your chance 🙂