In our latest real estate tech interview, I’m talking to Andrew Flachner, founder of RealScout. Without further adieu, here’s a bit more from his own mouth…

What do you do?

andrewflachnerI’m cofounder and “Chief Real Estate Enthusiast” at RealScout. I founded the company with one of my best friends, Michael Parikh, to enable real estate agents to collaborate with their clients more efficiently.

Why do You Do What you Do?

After experiencing the decades-old technology available to real estate agents, I left the real estate sales business to find ways to empower real estate professionals. Our technology is helping great real estate agents deliver even better service to their clients.

What are you most excited about right now?

Collaboration. Companies like Zillow (which recently announced its definitive agreement to acquire its closest competitor Trulia) focus on “search ready” to “agent ready” homebuyers. Real estate agents need a platform to support the “agent ready” to “offer ready” stage of the lifecycle and that’s where RealScout provides the most value.

What’s next for you?

RealScout has been gaining popularity with San Francisco brokerages. We’ll be expanding to new markets aggressively in 2014 and 2015. We also have some really big product announcements coming later this year.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

I’m very passionate about employee-matched giving. I currently advise Bright Funds, a startup that helps companies provide an innovative way for employees to contribute to funds of vetted non-profits. Many RealScout employees are already making a difference through this platform.

Thanks to Andrew for sharing his motivations and current projects. If you’re interested in connecting with him further, you can find him on Oh Hey World and LinkedIn.

We’ll be featuring other real estate tech entrepreneurs in the coming weeks. If you are an entrepreneur in the real estate vertical (past or present), and want to be profiled, please follow the steps outlined here. Remember, you can always discover other people in the Geek Estate community here.