Realtor_logoNAR, start asking your members what they want before jumping headfirst into huge expensive projects. Take a survey, see what members actually need and want. After all, you are in business to support your members.

RPR is an example of this. According to Inman, NAR has spent $106 million on RPR since 2009. RPR was supposed to be earning enough revenue to break even as of 3 years ago, but I believe revenue to date is under $1,000,000, so not even close.

It was obvious RPR was not needed. They offered agents MLS data, along with tax data. Both of these things were already provided by the local MLS. They talked about having nationwide data for all agents. Really, is that what we need, data for areas we do no business in?

There was no reason to spend $100 million on RPR. Had NAR polled its members about this before starting, they probably would have come to the same conclusion.

Now NAR is stuck spending over $22 million per year to continue funding RPR, and today NAR approved another $12,000,000 for RPR-Upstream. Again, NAR asked for no input from their membership base, as they are starting another multi-million dollar project with our hard earned money.

In addition, the idea of making big decisions without any survey or vote from members extends to the local MLS Boards, as discussed in my last Blog post where my local Board decided to turned over all listings to Zillow without any survey or vote, it was a decision by one person, the CEO of the Board.

Maybe Notorious Rob is onto something when he posted about holding the NAR Directors personally liable for these fiascoes.

Someone should be responsible for the bad decisions, without any input from NAR members, that are losing hundreds of millions of dollars.