socmedI had the opportunity recently to engage in a fantastic conversation with 3 thought leaders. Their knowledge and experience regarding the impact of technology, the web and social media as it relates to contemporary real estate professionals generated over an hour of thought provoking views and information.

Marc Davison1000Watt Consulting
Jeff Turner Zeek Interactive / Real Estate Shows
Bill LublinC 21 Advantage Gold / BuzzBuilderz / Social Media Marketing Institute

Our discussion takes a look at the past, present and future of the effect that social media has on broker and agent business models (good and bad). I think you will find it very engaging and informative.

This is the first of 3 segments of the episode. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to be immediately notified when the next segment is added to the feed. Subscription options are in the sidebar or you can listen online below. We encourage you to comment on the subject. Let us know your thoughts and experience regarding this timely issue. Feel free to leave questions, either directly to any of the contributors or the group as a whole. We look forward to extending the conversation.

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