The Austin Board of REALTORS® has been investing in some very cool technologies lately. We’re currently transitioning over to MLXchange, which is pretty awesome because it has features that include contact management, agent websites, client gateway pages, etc.

So we’re on the same page, Client Gateways are simple sites that you can easily set up for clients via your MLS (such as TEMPO or MLXChange) that allow clients to view, save and make notes on properties. Most client gateways have great capabilities that can save time for the client and their agent, such as the ability to schedule a showing through ther tool.


A handy MLXchange plugin is Rateplug, a free tool for agents that allows affiliated lenders to provide live, automatic mortgage information via their client gateway or emailed search. So far, it seems valuable to lenders, brokers and agents.

Here are just a few quick benefits:

  • Agents and brokers can further enhance relationships with their most trusted mortgage professional without paying for the tool.
  • The client can get real-time, accurate information from a trustworthy mortgage broker. Since the agent’s reputation is connected with the lender, you can expect a higher level of performance.
  • If the buyer likes the mortgage rates and information, they can quickly contact the lender. Since they’ll get a live person, they can expect fast, personal treatment.
  • Lenders can obtain live, warm leads who have already been searching for properties. You can feel comfortable knowing client contacted you, so they are probably a more serious buyer.

If you’re interested, take a look at the Rateplug website. They have an online demo that further explains features and benefits.