Real Estate Video Hosting – Viral Websites
With all the video hosting sites available on the Internet today, and many of them for FREE, which one is the best site to be hosting your “Real Estate Videos?” That’s simple. Youtube right? Why not Google or Yahoo? I have been looking into many of the video hosting sites on the web these past few months. There are some fantastic hosting services available from an array of vendors that each offer something very unique.
Is one any better than the other? Which service should you be using to promote your business, inventory, marketing experience and advertising? Is there just one? Should you be posting on them all? You decide, I have pulled you in this far, so look at these links and then decide to get on the Real Estate Video wagon. Look what kind of stuff is showing up when you search any of these sites for “Real Estate.” In fact, look what the New York Times is doing with Real Estate Video.
Service and Reasons To Consider
- Youtube – The Worlds Library of Video
- Google Video – The Worlds Leading Search Engine Company (hmmm..)
- Yahoo Video – Do You Yahoo? Your readers and visitors do
- Vimeo – People Connecting through Video
- DropShots – The Next Generation of Photo and Video Sharing
- PhotoBucket – 66 Million People Manage their Media
- Veoh – Millions of Videos, Veoh finds what you like.
- VidiLife – Experience the Difference with Real Estate Video
- MySpace – The Largest Social Network – 300,000,000 profiles
- Spike TV Video – Real Estate Video on Spike TV?
Here’s a few more to investigate:
- Viddler – Make Comments On Video with Video or Text
- WellcomeMat – Allows you to create chapters in Video
- Mixpo – Online Editing and Publishing – Allows Links in Video
Do You Still Need a Bit More Push or Pull?
This is a good measuring gauge for you to see where you are with Real Estate Video in YOUR business. You might want to seriously start incorporating Video into your business plan asap. Look at others and learn. I am confident in saying that there are more viewers that would prefer watching a video of anything you have to say or do, rather than reading about it.
Now is really the time to start running in the race while everyone else around you is still putting on their shoes. The Pioneers have taken the arrows, the followers are now leaving the building, and the laggards may never catch up as the Internet Real Estate Video takes over the world.
It’s going to take a winning combination of text, links, and video in your RE 2.0 marketing plan if you want to stay in the Online Race with technology and be successful in your Real Estate business. Video is definitely killing the newsletter farm. Now, you can even send video embedded in email. Flip Video Cameras, Webcams, Cell phone cameras and video, come on, you see where it’s going right? Viral Video Marketing is what sells right now… So Sell!!
If you still have doubts about Real Estate Video or Podcasting, take a look at The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! created by Jeff Turner from Real Estate Shows.
I think I’ll start a “BlogBuster Video” on the web that charges no late fees! LOL!~
Fred Light
Posted at 04:32h, 11 MayYou have to be very careful with online video sharing sites that are NOT real estate specific, such as or
1) Many have either shut down or stopped accepting user generated video, such as Brightcove and several others.
2) Many do not allow real estate videos, and many are making up their rules as they go along, and then BAM! – they decide to stop accepting real estate videos and they remove your account with no notice. Blip.TV and come to mind. Both ban real estate videos and will delete your account and videos if they find them.
If you post your videos to some of these sites, and they are embedded around the web in various places, and they decide to cut off your account due to a violation in their terms of services, ALL of your videos are now missing – hopefully you remember where they are so they can be replaced!
That’s the danger of using these types of services.
Ken B.
Posted at 05:13h, 11 MayThanks for sharing. You’ve saved me hours of research and I appreciate it. Thanks, kb
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 08:11h, 11 MayFred – that’s great feedback, thank for sharing.
The reason we want to get this info out there is not to sell any of the mentioned sites, but to sell the concept of video, and viral marketing with the new RE 2.0
The links in this post all go to Real Estate Videos that thousands of companies and individuals are putting out there on the web. The choice as to where to host is up to each individual, they need to research which is best for them.
I know that Wellcomemat is very much supporting Real Estate videos, I have seen quite a few on there lately, not to mention all the embedded ones on REALTORS® Blogs. They have some really nice features like the ability to add chapters.
Some of the others you mentioned I didn’t list or hadn’t heard of, thanks for sharing them. 🙂
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 08:20h, 11 MayKen – thanks. It has taken quite a bit of time to research all these. I’d still invest some time of your own to research and decide which ones will work best for you.
Maybe you can and should use them all, now there’s a Viral Concept…
I once heard or read somewhere, “Viral Marketing Doesn’t Work, Now Go Tell Everybody!” LOL~
Fred Light
Posted at 08:20h, 11 MayHere’s a nice long list of video sites which I’m sure is not current, as new companies come and go all the time! (which just shows how popular video really is!) I last updated this in October…
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 10:19h, 11 MayFred – that is one incredible list of video sites!
OMG – someone could spend an entire day just checking all those out. (and I thought I had done my research. WOW!)
Any additions like yours are welcomed and appreciated on this post. Thanks! 🙂
Cyndee Haydon
Posted at 11:15h, 11 MayBrad – thanks for all the info – I checked out Fred’s list too – WOW lost to check out and as always you’ve provided us with a great resource. Thnkas!
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 13:16h, 11 MayCyndee – thanks for stopping by to comment. I know you have done some fantastic things with video and have some awesome testimonials.
I really like your “Live Testimonials” from clients, they’re very powerful. 🙂
BTW – Your Profile on AR Rocks!!
Rick Goates
Posted at 07:56h, 12 MayBrad great job! I appreciate all the info you provide on Video. I have been saying for about 5 years now that Video will be the next evolution in real estate marketing.Not the cheesy pan and scan 360 stuff that was popular 2-3 years ago but full blown virtual walk through from point of view…like you were there.
Are the any sites out there that will submit your real estate videos to ALL the majors site that will accept them?? Now there’s an idea if not!!
Fred Light
Posted at 08:55h, 12 MayRick: Try – you upload once and they submit to about a dozen sites. Just be sure to ‘uncheck’ those who will not accept real estate, such as Blip.Tv, etc.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 09:17h, 12 MayRick – thanks. I think we’re going to be seeing a whole new level of real estate video including the way old fashioned 360 virtual tours are done.
I was researching TubeMogul that Fred has suggested, it looks like a great start for maximizing your RE Video exposure to other video hosting sites.
What is TubeMogul?
TubeMogul is a free service that provides a single point for deploying uploads to the top video sharing sites, and powerful analytics on who, what, and how videos are being viewed.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 09:29h, 12 MayFred – thanks for the TubeMogul reference, I’m certain that many here can and will benefit from a service like that.
Their video tutorial is very well done.
I also see they used Veoh and added some custom linking capabilities. Very cool…
Posted at 17:21h, 13 MayThis is a great post! Very informative. Video is something I still haven’t gotten over the hurdle for. Don’t like seeing/hearing myself on video 😉
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 18:46h, 13 MayThanks Cindy – The hurdle for video is exactly that. Many don’t like to see themselves or hear their voice recorded on video. The reality… no one cares as much as you. We are ALL just too self conscious.
People will like you for who you are, not for what you look or sound like. Once you get over that hurdle, and that little negative voice inside your head that’s causing procrastination, there’s a world of opportunity and rewards just waiting for you.
My advice? Practice, be yourself, and just start getting comfortable in front of the camera. It gets easier with every video you do. The key? Just be yourself!
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 18:52h, 13 MayThe future of any business belongs to those who know how to leverage online technologies!
Susan Hilton - Texas Aggie Realtor
Posted at 12:02h, 17 AugustOK I read it all, I watched the video – which one should I use? I’m new at all this and want something I can learn to use and stick with and have it be the MOST effective possible. I want to market my company, my agents, my listings and NOT have to do it all twice.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 16:04h, 19 AugustTubeMogul will upload to many of the video hosts if you want to save time. You may want to look at the comparison post I did on ActiveRain, I placed 6 videos from 6 different players to see the difference.
Posted at 09:03h, 01 FebruaryGreat article, and nice to see others out there in the Real Estate market talking video. As a producer of Real Estate videos, it's been a bit of a challenge getting some old fashioned agents on board and to embrace the concept.
I'm hoping my tours become the 360 killer, as I cant stand them, and there's no longer an excuse to use them. With the links you've provided and the technology available, no client should have to view a listing in a static, or distorted fasion.
I've explored many options for delivery Real Estate video, several CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) which becomes expensive and less viral than YouTube, Google and Vimeo. In the end, I've always come back to YouTube, it's free, mainstream and great for SEO.
Here's an example of what I think everyone out there should be doing with youtube and their listings:
search engine for video
Posted at 03:05h, 11 Marchhello, i think it is a positive thinking which is so great to every all.
Pecocet online.
Posted at 05:50h, 13 JulyPecocet….
Pecocet online….
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7 Unique ActiveRain Video Tools | Brad Andersohn
Posted at 21:45h, 14 August[…] recent post Video in Real Estate Is Viral! be sure to check that one […]
Connor MacIvor
Posted at 06:32h, 11 SeptemberBrad, all real estate videos are a violation of tubemogul’s tos. At least for the free account. Did u find a work around? Thanks.
Marko Francekovic
Posted at 01:46h, 20 SeptemberHave you tried using premium video hosting services like . You don’t have to worry about your videos going away, and you get a lot of real estate features (in example nice landing pages for each video) and real life support in the US.
Disclaimer: I am a part of iPlayerHD team. In a week we are starting with a great offer where you will be able to use the service for free for a whole year. Ping me if you are interested to try.