We’re inching closer and closer to actually designing and developing the 6 Geek Build sites.

I just took some feedback into account, and made a revision from the first of the two wireframes I posted last week. You can also take a look at John Stegner’s revision here, along with the comment stream with feedback.

Changes made to Option 1:

  • Added RSS and Email updates icons to the navigation
  • Simplified the search module — removed bathrooms and minimum price as search filters (on the home page)
  • Added a “featured post” module near the bottom of the page
  • Added “search homes” links to the Explore Communities” module

Here is the revised option 1 (click the file to view the larger version):

What do you think? Anything else that needs to be modified?

Note from the Editor: Not sure what Geek Build 2012 is? It’s building a few real estate websites from scratch publicly with the help of the Geek Estate Community and overseen by an experienced steering committeeRead more about Geek Build 2012 here, or view all posts related to Geek Build 2012 here.

**Geek Build logo designed by Dominic Morrocco at M Squared Real Estate.