I was at the California Realtor Expo last week in Anaheim (though only for Thursday) and ran into Kris Hutchinson, the CEO of Magnifi Online. Magnifi Online is a company that provides a range of services relating to search engine marketing, including:

  • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • search engine marketing (SEM on Yahoo!, MSN, and other search engines)
  • website design, development and optimization
  • website analytics, tracking, and reporting
  • online lead generation tools and listings
  • social media and blogging
  • online marketing campaign development and management

Since I think free educational resources are always helpful, I thought I’d give everyone the head’s up that you can take a look at the Search Engine Marketing PDF presentation that Kris presented at the Expo if you’re looking for further knowledge about keyword marketing. There are a range of topics covered — keyword selection, keyword match types, ad copy, landing pages, bidding, and evaluating your ROI (return on investment — all of which are extremely relevant to real estate professionals looking to acquire clients via search engines.

Click Here for the PDF Presentation

If you’re looking to learn a little bit more about how to take advantage of Google to attract traffic (both through keyword advertising and SEO improvements), I’d recommend at least taking a quick look at it. A big thanks to Kris for sharing this presentation with the RE.net.