I still believe hyper local is where the opportunity is for those playing the long game in real estate. It’s the only thing that no one can easily replicate. C21 Redwood Realty gets this; see here for context (behind subscription wall).

What does investing in hyper local look like?

Some combination of local blogging, contributing to sites such as StreetAdvisor (a consulting client of mine), and community building face to face. I still think this strategy would work. You just have to do it. I still think this 1 month and this 6 month content outline is solid. You just need to start writing.

Are you an agent, team, or brokerage in the Seattle area, and looking to invest in hyper local content marketing in 2016? I have a recommendation for a local writer if so. If interested, shoot me an email and I’ll connect you. drew at horizonapp co