Organic SEO traffic is an increasingly competitive user acquisition channel for brokerages/agents — especially as the big players gobble up organic slots with domains like I do wonder whether SEO as a whole should be a shrinking or growing area of strategic investment. Rand at Moz published some great trend data for those who think about SEO’s long term trajectory like I do (or do SEO for a living).

Two important take aways I noticed:

  • The 5.41 clicks/10 queries in October, 2017 is 23% lower than the 6.97 clicks/10 queries we had back in November, 2015. That’s a lot of lost SEO opportunity
  • SEO still gets ~20X more traffic than PPC, and it doesn’t cost anything close to as much, so there’s still a massive advantage to ranking organically

The data and his thoughts are worth reviewing in full.

Are you going to be investing in SEO in 2018?