I have a few nice listings coming up after the New Year and traditionally I would have just paid my photographer to put up a site.  He puts up a very basic site for $100 and it stays up for the year.  Not a bad option but I really was looking for something that was more visually appealing.  So I started the hunt through the numerous different providers out there of single property websites.  I thought I would share my experience here in the hopes of saving a few other agents some time.


Most of the single property websites have a price tag of between $10-$30 per month.  With most of these options you will also end up purchasing your own custom domain as well (ie. 1234mainstreet.com).  Most don’t require a contract and offer a number of different templates to choose from.  The downside here is if you want to keep a “portfolio” of your past sites to show future clients its going to get expensive pretty quickly.


What I found after looking at a number of different options (I am going to leave out names of companies but rest assured I googled ‘single property websites’ and checked out the first 3 pages of results) is that they all look pretty much the same and as of today they all look pretty dated in terms of websites.  They look like a website for an agent circa 2007, as opposed to a newer cleaner look that you will find on sites today.


Finally, after multiple google searches I tried my same term but instead looked at “images” and every single option I liked was a WordPress site and mostly with a purchasable theme. My main website is not built on this platform and I am not a web designer by any means so the idea of building a website off a theme seemed a little daunting to say the least.  But after reading a few articles, watching a few videos and speaking with a couple of people I figured  this might be doable.  As to cost this was by far the best option if I have a couple of hours to spend.  I inquired with godaddy.com and I can host unlimited wordpress sites for $8 per month, the domain is $12 per year and the theme was going to run me $45.  So now I own the theme and I can start to build my portfolio of single property sites.

In the end I would say this if you have a big listing or you aren’t that tech savvy maybe you spend a little more and have this done for you, or if you are like me and would rather learn it once and then can build a site in 30 minutes for $12 next time that you are happy with, its your call, but to me I went with the build it yourself option and will stay that route.

Hope this helps!