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Tag: Consumer

Why playing the Long Game Means Winning the Consumer

Why playing the Long Game Means Winning the Consumer

From a guest post I published on Inman: The hardest part of running any business is finding customers. Real estate is no different. One way or another, as a broker, you’re going to spend money to attract clients and leads. You pay in either time…

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Are you Building “for Consumers”?

Are you Building “for Consumers”?

Are you actually, TRULY, building your product for consumers, or is that just a facade you put up for the general public? I’d argue virtually zero companies/products built in this industry are truly being built for consumers. To do it? You need a fairly large stash of…

Read Article »'s New Digs: Getting Slim and Cozy's New Digs: Getting Slim and Cozy just went through a major design overhaul and I thought it would be interesting to see the reaction of the tech crowd. It looks to me like it’s a move in the direction of most of the larger internet-based companies: simplify, streamline, and create…

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