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Tag: fred wilson

The Fog is Very Real

The Fog is Very Real

Founders, entrepreneurs — as well as agents/brokers — should all read Fred Wilson’s post about seeing through the fog. The fog is a big part of the obsession with shiny objects (there’s more than enough of them in this industry). If you don’t know where…

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Labor Thoughts on Labor Day

Labor Thoughts on Labor Day

Fred Wilson has a few thoughts on Labor (on Labor Day). Go read it, including the comments. I’m constantly blown away with the quality of the discussion on his blog, AVC. It’s my belief many of the smartest people online are there, day in, day…

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Revitalizing Urban Cores

Revitalizing Urban Cores

You all should read Fred Wilson’s post about Revitalizing Urban Cores. Real estate agents and brokers obviously have a vested interest in increased economic activity in your local area; more economic activity = increased likelihood residents will buy and sell more homes. This topic comes…

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The End of the Web and the Emergence of "Post Social"

The End of the Web and the Emergence of "Post Social"

Those who know me know I’m a huge Fred Wilson fan, who I happen to think is one of the best community builders on the web. But that’s not the point of this post. Fred posted the following video on AVC Sunday, and 1 day…

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