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Tag: IDX

How To Manage Your Leads More Efficiently

How To Manage Your Leads More Efficiently

In my last post “ Website Design & Usability Make a Huge Difference ” I had mentioned that we could discuss ways to improve conversions by using a good lead manager (CRM). Once you are able to get a web design that has great usability…

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What the Funnel is going on around here?

What the Funnel is going on around here?

Back at Portland’s Real Estate Bar Camp I was intrigued by a discussion led by Galen Ward of Estately about how to increase conversions on real estate websites. How do we take visitors to our blog or website and turn them into closed sales? I’m…

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Diverse Solutions First IDX Vendor To Implement Dwellicious Technology

Diverse Solutions First IDX Vendor To Implement Dwellicious Technology

A new real estate web technology that is gaining a lot of traction and attention lately is the new social bookmarking tool for listings know as Dwellicious. Designed to work with the most popular web portals, Dwellicious allows consumers to save and manage their home…

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