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Tag: listhub

November Sponsor Showcase, Round 2

November Sponsor Showcase, Round 2

Thank you to our November sponsors… How will you keep up with the changing MLS landscape and technology while also growing your business? With ListHub, the largest and most trusted partner for broker-authorized listings from nearly 600 MLSs in the United States! ListHub provides a reliable,…

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November Sponsor Showcase, Round 1

November Sponsor Showcase, Round 1

Thank you to our November sponsors… How will you keep up with the changing MLS landscape and technology while also growing your business? With ListHub, the largest and most trusted partner for broker-authorized listings from nearly 600 MLSs in the United States! ListHub provides a reliable,…

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The Future Listing Syndication Landscape

The Future Listing Syndication Landscape

Here’s a rough prediction for what will take the place in the listing syndication arena after the “ListHub-Zillow divorce” (for more analysis on the deal, read Rob Hahn’s thoughts here and here): Zillow will continue to invest in their listing management and reporting dashboard. Brokers & MLS’…

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ListHub & Point2 Combine Forces

ListHub & Point2 Combine Forces

ListHub and Point2 have long been the major listing syndicators of the real estate industry. They represent a substantial chunk of properties on Zillow and Trulia (soon to be one in the same). They were our largest feed providers when I left Zillow in 2010, and I…

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