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Tag: qr code

More Mail, More Money: Leveraging Direct Mail with QR Codes for Better ROI

More Mail, More Money: Leveraging Direct Mail with QR Codes for Better ROI

Just about every real estate professional I know has used direct mail at some point in his or her career. The reasons are obvious: Direct mail can be infinitely personalized; is relatively affordable; is low-tech enough for mass consumption; and delivers a pretty decent return…

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Google's URL Shortener Now Also Generates QR Codes

Google's URL Shortener Now Also Generates QR Codes

I just heard about this and thought it might be useful for agents out there using QR codes on their sign riders/ flyers etc: Google’s URL shortener,, now automatically generates QR codes.  Matt Cutts wrote about it and provides an example here: Matt Cutts Google QR…

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