Whether it be Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Zillow (my employer), Facebook, or somewhere else — I think it’s safe to say many real estate professionals are actively advertising online. For those who do advertise online, you should be giving some thought to the “landing page” that consumers are directed to once they click on your ad. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to start. An effective landing page is the single best way to increase your conversion rate for gathering leads from your online advertising campaigns. I sat down with a member of Zillow’s ad sales team, Scott Huber, and spent 5 minutes gathering his thoughts on effective landing pages —


  • Capture as little as possible (while still being able to follow up)
  • Educate potential customers about your offerings
  • Include your FULL contact information
  • Be consistent in your messaging — your ad and your landing page should have a strong relation
  • Recognize landing pages are an extension of your brand


  • Expect people to fill out a long form
  • Use long-winded messages
  • Use gimicks, give-aways, or free services as a reason to fill out your form

The missing “Do” that really annoys me is when someone does not include their FULL contact information — often I don’t want to fill in a form to talk to someone at their convenience; I want to call them at my convenience.

If anyone else has any tips to add or some great examples of effective landing pages you’ve seen, please feel free to leave a comment.