Tips to an Effective Landing Page
Whether it be Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Zillow (my employer), Facebook, or somewhere else — I think it’s safe to say many real estate professionals are actively advertising online. For those who do advertise online, you should be giving some thought to the “landing page” that consumers are directed to once they click on your ad. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to start. An effective landing page is the single best way to increase your conversion rate for gathering leads from your online advertising campaigns. I sat down with a member of Zillow’s ad sales team, Scott Huber, and spent 5 minutes gathering his thoughts on effective landing pages —
- Capture as little as possible (while still being able to follow up)
- Educate potential customers about your offerings
- Include your FULL contact information
- Be consistent in your messaging — your ad and your landing page should have a strong relation
- Recognize landing pages are an extension of your brand
- Expect people to fill out a long form
- Use long-winded messages
- Use gimicks, give-aways, or free services as a reason to fill out your form
The missing “Do” that really annoys me is when someone does not include their FULL contact information — often I don’t want to fill in a form to talk to someone at their convenience; I want to call them at my convenience.
If anyone else has any tips to add or some great examples of effective landing pages you’ve seen, please feel free to leave a comment.
Damon Pace
Posted at 09:30h, 26 OctoberThe biggest tip I would have for landing pages is to make it simple and spell out what you want them to do. If you want them to buy a product, highlight the product features. If you want them to fill out a lead form, highlight the benefits and ask them to fill it out.
Some of the best advice I ever received was if you want someone to vote for you, buy something from you, do something for you or give something to you…you have to ask.
Landing pages have to be easy and direct. Make it simple and ask. You will get great results.
Brian Wilson
Posted at 14:20h, 26 OctoberThanks, Drew. These tips will come in handy as we move into building a concentrated local Web site, and I look forward to any further advice on your blogs. You, too, Damon. I appreciate what you guys do.
Brian Wilson,
Posted at 22:41h, 26 OctoberIs a landing page a page on your website? And, from an add. Do you mean from an addwords type add? I’ve always been curious to know more about what is meant by a landing page. Specifically one used for a real estate pro. Thanks
Jay Thompson
Posted at 18:11h, 28 OctoberJack – a “landing page” would be the specific web page you send someone to from any sort of ad — be that AdWords, a print ad that includes a URL (classified, postcard, flyer, sign rider, etc), some online ad/listing ala Zillow, Craigslist, or whatever.
A LOT of people (way too many, IMHO) just send people to their home page. A mistake I believe as you would be better off sending them to a more focused/targeted page — a landing page. (called that because that is where the ad viewer “lands” when they click on, or type out, a link).
Make sense?
Posted at 18:37h, 28 Octoberthanks Jay – Crystal clear. Guess I should have googled it first, which I did second and found an article from S. Godin, whom also seems opposed to the “landing” on the home page. Cheers 🙂
Jay Thompson
Posted at 13:22h, 29 OctoberNot a problem Jack!
Hey, if I can see things the way Seth Godin sees them, there may still be hope…
Posted at 21:01h, 04 Decemberlanding pages should have offerings of houses .. maybe 4 of them , low cost , beach house , high end , and condo .. then tell them whats good about those listings
Terry McDaniel
Posted at 01:22h, 05 FebruaryRegarding creating landing pages, do you have several programs or applications that make it easy to create a landing page…..