Last week I attended Raincamp hosted by Active Rain in San Diego.  I thought it a good idea to step off of my own platform of what I know about online marketing for the real estate industry and simply see what others are doing to be successful so I could apply it to my web site.

While I picked up a lot of good information, there are a few useful websites that I’d like to quickly share with you that I discovered from Raincamp and even one that was launched today not discovered through Raincamp. – Pretty simple reverse lookup website that’ll let you know if your clients are on social media platforms and other web services.  This tool uses your clients e-mail to locate them on these other websites.  This could be your opportunity to connect with potential buyers and sellers on a whole new front. – Everyone these days can setup Google Analytics on a website however this website’s tracking code pays more specific attention to the long tail keywords your website is already getting traffic from and then breaks down the data into useful and easy to understand charts.  They offer a 60 day free trial and then the basic membership after that is $10 per month. – Have you ever forgot about an appointment or for some other unforeseen circumstance have not been able to make a scheduled phone call? connects you directly with a person’s voice mail without even ringing their phone.  You can now leave messages without risking an awkward conversation with that person you were supposed to call but didn’t.

10Minutes.orgA quick and free way to save some time on your hyper local keyword discovery research.  No need to mess around with a spreadsheet application or text document to manually create a list of potential keywords.  Create dozens or hundreds of keywords to explore within minutes of using this really simple tool.