The other day, we got a referral from Google for the search term:

real estate ‘agent review’ plugin widget for websites

Clearly a tech savvy agent looking for a response.

So here’s the answer.

realsatisfied-wordpress-widgetRealSatisfied is one of the clear leaders (from what I can tell) in agent reviews. (see my previous post about the opportunity to help consumers determine who to trust).

Knowing Jeff Turner the way I do, it didn’t surprise me to find they have a WordPress plugin which allows agents to display ratings and testimonials from a RealSatisfied Agent/Office Profile RSS feed in a sidebar widget on their WordPress site.

As an agent/broker, why would you do such a thing you ask?


One way to improve conversion rates is to show validation in terms of satisfied clients. Here’s one example of an agent – Bill Bhamra – who has done exactly that using RealSatisfied’s plugin.

You can download RealSatisfied’s WordPress plugin here.