Here’s a question from one of Virtual Results’ clients – Kurt Maier:

What is the best way to utilize social media to drive traffic back to your website?

Whereas your website is (or should be) great at conversion, but attracting traffic to it is hard. It’s just the opposite with social media – traffic is easy, but conversion is difficult. It’s the challenge everyone wants to figure out — how to drive traffic back to your website using social media so you can convert that traffic to clients?

Before we get too far on this subject, there is a post over on Virtual Results that you should read prior to this — What is Posterous and How Is It Useful to a Real Estate Agent.

The high level answer is quite simple — make sure as many of your social media updates as possible contain links back to a destination with built in conversion tools. If that end destination is your actual website, great. If that destination is your posterous blog (that’s skinned to look like your website like this), that’s great too. Of course, it’s a given you should not SPAM your network with links. You should, however, use your social media accounts to promote the GREAT content (not to be confused with ALL your content) you are producing consistently on your website.

How are you using social media to drive traffic back to your website?