Why I use Pipedrive as my CRM
This post is not going to be an intensive Pipedrive review, and I am not going to mention any other CRMs that I tried that I had problems with. What I will go over is why I really like Pipedrive and have no plans to change to another CRM.
There are a few key features I need from a CRM.
One is that all email sent to our clients is tracked through the CRM. One of my virtual assistants spends a lot of time following up on our leads. She needs to know if one of our agents emailed the lead recently. If so she might not even need to follow-up, or if she still will follow-up she now knows the last thing discussed with the lead. Pipedrive allows us to continue using Office 365 email and all the features that come with it, while still tracking all emails sent.
Also, if we send an email to a lead that is not yet in Pipedrive, a new record is created for that lead with the email we just sent as the first record of communication.
The second feature I must have is website integration. Pipedrive has an easy to use API which allows me to tie in information from my website into the CRM. I have to admit I have tried to use some CRMs only to find out their API does not work, and no one can really support it, so having an easy to use API that works is great.
A third feature is using it on a mobile phone. Pretty much all CRMs work on a mobile phone, but some are limited as to what can actually be accomplished on a phone. Pipedrive works well on phones, and all needed features are available.
Flexibility is another feature I am looking for. I want to be able to define my own stages a lead goes through, and I want to be able to define custom fields we need to track for our leads. Pipedrive allows total customization, so it can fit almost any need. Any type of field can easily be added to your contact database, and the Pipeline view stages can be totally customized to fit your workflow.
One feature I like, even though it was not on my must have list, is the Pipeline view. For our Buyer Pipeline we setup the following stages. Inquiry, 1 Week, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, Showing, Offer, and finally Escrow.
Looking at your Pipeline gives you a very good view on where all your leads stand. They use color coding and symbols to give you information without having to click on the lead. For example, if there is no follow-up date set, the lead shows a caution sign. A green color means follow-up today. A gray means you have a follow-up date set, but no need to take action today. Red means you have a past due follow-up.
So in this Pipeline view I can see for any agent on my team exactly how many leads they have, which stage of the Pipeline are they in, is their follow-up date set, and are they following up on time or have some past due.
This screen also shows the value of all deals in their Pipeline. For us, that is not critical, but agents might like to see they have $20 million in their Pipeline if they can just get them into escrow.
It also has a very easy to use and pleasing modern interface. There are many other features, but those were the features that won me over.
Sep Niakan
Posted at 09:07h, 05 NovemberGreat post. Very informative. I have a custom website and have been thinking of integrating with a CRM. Did you consider or try FollowUpBoss or possibly SalesForce?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 10:28h, 06 NovemberYes, we tried Follow Up Boss. It was pretty good but what you could do on a iPhone at that time was very limited and it had some email issues which are probably fixed now.
At that time the stages were also hard coded so you had to follow what stages they setup, you could not set your own, and there was no Pipeline view.
I did not consider SalesForce as I felt it was more than we needed and too complicated and expensive. I tried Infusionsoft and could not get their API to work nor get any support for it.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:55h, 08 NovemberI signed up for a demo account.
Baotuan Nguyenphuoc
Posted at 16:43h, 08 NovemberI was also looking into Pipedrive for my real estate business. Are you able to set up automatic reminders when to follow-up with your contacts or do you have to set that up for each contact you import? Also have you tried Ixact or Liondesk? If so, how does this compare? thanks!
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 20:23h, 08 NovemberGreat question. I am not sure on that answer. When we started we just started putting our deals into the system and manually putting reminder dates, so I am not sure if it can be done automatically.
They have good support so you could ask on their chat line.
Posted at 13:47h, 16 NovemberBryn – We started a trial and have a question that might be a little “out there”. When leads come in, the typical next step is to send them to a mortgage company we work with. Is it possible to provide access to Pipedrive for our mortgage lady, but restrict it so that she sees only the leads we’re sending her for financing?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 16:07h, 16 NovemberYes, that is easy. Each lead has an owner and followers. We have it set so only the owner and followers can see a lead. So the owner would be the agent on your team, and the follower could be the lender. You can add the lender only to the leads you want them to follow up on.
In addition, you can have supervisors, who can see all leads, regardless of the owner and follower. This is good for our VAs so they can work on all agents leads.
Don Burns
Posted at 15:47h, 14 FebruaryThis is a really great article. Thank you for sharing your stages for buyers, would you mind sharing your stages for Sellers (Listings)?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 16:27h, 14 FebruaryInquiry, Follow Up, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, Appointment, Listing Live, Escrow
Posted at 13:26h, 28 MarchI am also in Real Estate and Pipedrive just one me over after and exhaustive review of over 30 crm products. I just could not find one that was as Clean, Modern and easy to customize at the price! Also I use the Activity Trackers and reporting for prospecting and no other Crm has this editable ability. I have a review and screen shots at active rain you can see it here http://activerain.com/blogsview/5039512/pipedrive-as-my-new-real-estate-crm
Posted at 06:52h, 27 AugustHi nice tips, but for pipedrive specifically, I haven’t figured out when to indicate a win as I’m moving through stages. If you say a win before showings start and after the buyer contract is signed – when you hit win, the deal disappears and I don’t get to see it through the remaining 3/4 stages (ie offer, conditional, post deal paperwork etc). Anyone have tips on the specific stages and when to buy win?? Thanks!
Dewi Fairclough
Posted at 08:05h, 04 MarchI am on a trial of this, and wondering as I cannot see, how to set up not just total sales of a property but Gross and Net commissions and add in splits to my brokerage?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 10:44h, 04 MarchSorry, we do not track commissions in Pipedrive so I am not sure.
It probably can be done by setting up a deal for each lead and property and assigning a value to that deal.