A Trend Away from Agent Websites?
We’re already seeing a slight trend of some agents and brokers not believing IDX is vital. With the continued rise of mobile, will the next trend be the demise of agent and/or brokerage websites?
Before you go blast me for making such a ludicrous statement – I’ll put the caveat in that I think we are still several years away from seeing this trend truly surface. Don’t get me wrong. If I were an agent, I would absolutely have a website — and I’d invest the dollars, time, and know-how to make it succeed. Most agents don’t invest any of those things to their web presence — hence the reason there are so many cookie cutter sites out there adding zero value to this world. As you know, tools that aren’t used, are largely worthless and just a waste of time.
What does the future or agent and broker websites hold? A completely mobile client experience, mixed with a website version that is more like a business card? Or are agent/broker websites — with great content — here to stay in their current form?
Brian LoPresto
Posted at 07:06h, 18 JulyThe only way I see this happening would be through evolution of Social Media. If social media continues to grow AND evolve, offering agents the ability to market themselves and their listings to a large audience EFFECTIVELY, then this premise might be true. Facebook and Google + would be the obvious social media platforms where this might be true.
It’s my assessment that agents who put up a website without much thought, time or investment are doing this simply for the purpose of credibility. Basically they have a website simply to validate themselves as a legitimate Realtor. If agents feel the need for business cards as the very 1st investment they make with this same thought process (which they still do), then I would say these websites are here to stay whether they offer any value or not.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 13:07h, 22 Julyi agree they are a validator. but what happens when a “mobile” business card becomes that validator instead of a traditional website? Surely, something better can take its place in a mobile-first world?
Posted at 09:22h, 18 JulyGood call Drew! I have had this very discussion with my Peers. I think your premise is valid. There is no doubt that we will move to a complete Mobile Environment within 5-10 years. The mobile inter-phase will be quite different from the current Cloud versions, and with that we will see the slow demise of “Websites” (Which are for the most part Blogsites now)
I’ll go you one step further, however, it is my contention that the future of Real Estate (and most small businesses) Web Presences will be a YouTube Channel! It will be designed to look like a website (and incorporate IDX) and be completely Mobile. YouTube will become the default search of the future, and it would only make sense for it to be the home of most companies Web Presence!
It already out preforms any of our sites, for lead generation, today. Imagine what it will be like in a few years? =)
Don’t let them make you think you are “Crazy”, you’re way ahead!
Eric “The Coach” Bryant
Drew Meyers
Posted at 13:09h, 22 JulyNot sure enough people will create video to make that reality. Youtube would love it if that happened, but the fact of the matter is that video is a high bar…most people are terrified to be on camera, don’t know the first thing about creating an interesting video, etc. But I guess writing is a high bar too – most people can’t write, nor do they want to.
Brad Yzermans
Posted at 08:23h, 12 AugustI agree with Drew about not enough people creating quality video for that to become a reality. 99% of all videos connected to real estate are slideshows of poorly taken photos…..not exactly entertaining stuff.
If an agent can’t write 3-4 blog posts a month now, they certainly aren’t going to create video content that has any value in the future.
But I do think video embedded into a responsive theme blog site is the way to go.
Simon Miyerov
Posted at 11:49h, 18 JulyThat insight’s preefct for what I need. Thanks!
Posted at 15:58h, 20 JulyI mostly agree. The horrid looking cookie cutter sites are the exact reason I went with a Squarespace site. It may not have all the bells and whistles, but it’s my own site built by me, to suit me.
Karri Flatla
Posted at 15:01h, 21 JulySome of the TOP agents in my city have what I would call generic websites. And other successful agents have almost no web presence aside of their profile on the brokerage site. These people just don’t need — or want — to get business that way. Yet they’re doing very very well.
I personally have seen very good results from my website. But that’s because I invest a lot of “me” into that resource, and everything I do there — and across the web — is very strategic. It’s a fit for me, but it’s not for everyone.
So I think it depends on the individual agent’s style, approach, strategic direction and ultimately what type of client s/he is trying to attract.
Siam Home Source
Posted at 00:51h, 28 JuneGreat article