About Ines Hegedus-Garcia

Avanti Way Director of Strategy & Innovation and specializes in all things related to real estate in Miami Beach and Mojitos!

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Why are you not shopping around for a new broker?

Why are you not shopping around for a new broker?

When you are an experienced real estate agent looking for a new brokerage, you are thorough about interviewing companies that will be the right fit. You analyze change not only in terms of commission splits, culture, marketing, and support, but also in terms of what feels good…

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Bitcoin + Real Estate = Boom or Bust

Bitcoin + Real Estate = Boom or Bust

[Note from Editor: Originally published on Miamism] The subject of cryptocurrencies is HOT right now!! And when it comes to real estate, it’s going viral.  In Miami, it’s about which agents are versed in crypto and which sellers are willing to price their properties in Bitcoin – ultimately…

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Social Objects – Who Cares?

Social Objects – Who Cares?

Not another article about Social Objects!!  Who cares if you’re into music, golf or heaven forbid….MOJITOS!! The fact is that social objects are “the fuel of the social web” as Social Media Today puts it. They are the things that people like to share, like…

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