About Mike McGee

My wife Tina and I own and operate Intown Elite Real Estate in Atlanta GA. Like most small business owners, I wear many hats. I'm the broker, IT support guy and amateur webmaster, among other things. I run a few websites, including my primary site at IntownElite.com, a niche site at JacksonLakeHouses.com covering lake homes near Atlanta, and others.

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Product Review: IDX+

Product Review: IDX+

Those of you who have an indexable IDX product on your website know how powerful it can be. It can help drive traffic to your site for long-tail search phrases such as addresses, as well as MLS number searches. Early adopters of indexable IDX got…

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Flyers – Print them yourself or have them printed?

Flyers – Print them yourself or have them printed?

This may be a bit of a departure from the typical post here at at Geek Estate. Sure, most of the time we’re talking about things like marketing, web hosting, IDX, syndication, how the internet affects real estate agents, CRM, mobile apps, etc.  So what am…

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Product Review – Onjax Real Estate Platform

Product Review – Onjax Real Estate Platform

Like most agents or brokers who run their own websites, I’m always looking around to see what’s the latest and greatest in terms of website design, IDX, and related real estate tech tools. A couple of months ago I stumbled onto a broker’s website that…

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Google Authorship and IDX – Are you doing it right?

Google Authorship and IDX – Are you doing it right?

Lots of agents, brokers and real estate web masters are implementing Google authorship markup on their websites and blogs. It’s a great way to get increased visibility in the SERPs, improve CTR, boost your personal branding and claim your original content as your own. However,…

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