About Seth Siegler

Seth is a full stack software engineer, technical consultant and experienced startup founder. He sold his last two startups in the real estate space (Robot Workshop and Curb Call), served as CTO of both acquiring companies and currently offers consulting and custom software services through Hoverboard Labs, from sunny San Diego, CA.

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RESO Datacomp 30-Day Hackathon Recap

RESO Datacomp 30-Day Hackathon Recap

The first hackathon I ever participated in was actually just in 2013 when I built an app called Curb Call at the Retsly / Realogy Hackathon in SF.  I got second place at that one which won me an oversized novelty check (plus a smaller…

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Real Estate and Skunk Works Departments

Real Estate and Skunk Works Departments

I’ve been working within the fast-paced, risk-loving, fail-fast worlds of four different real estate industry startups for the the last 10+ years. I founded them all but three were bootstrapped and one was VC-backed. And while two of them went nowhere and two others resulted…

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My Experience at the RETSLY / Zillow Hackathon

My Experience at the RETSLY / Zillow Hackathon

I meant to write this immediately following my return from the Zip.Code Retsly Hackathon but I think I literally needed this much time to catch up on the sleep I deprived myself of, over the course of the 34 straight hours I was at the event……

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Curb Call – From Hackathon to Production App (Part 1)

Curb Call – From Hackathon to Production App (Part 1)

It’s been a few weeks since I presented Curb Call, on stage at the Realogy / Retsly hackathon, the day before the NAR Expo in San Francisco. For those unfamiliar with it, it’s most easily described as “Uber for real estate”, where home buyers in the…

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