Easy A/B Tests For Everyone
A/B Testing is a way to test different headlines, calls to action, or anything else on your website with different segments of visitors. Instead of just guessing which headline converts your visitors into clients, you actually test several version and pick the winner.
Sounds great, right? The only problem has been that up until now, it’s been a lot tougher than it needs to be create A/B tests. Google has been offering their Website Optimizer for a while now, but I’ve always found it to be a pain, and I consider myself reasonably tech savvy. Luckily I recently came across Visual Website Optimizer.
I was able to quickly setup a simple test to compare headlines on my homepage to see which visitors engaged on the site (in other words, if they clicked on anything at all instead of bouncing). I quickly wrote up 4 headline variations, then cut and pasted three lines of code at the bottom of my website. Just like that, my website was serving up different headlines to each visitor, then tracking who clicked what.
The best part is that you make all the changes to your site using a visual, wysiwyg editor. That makes it ridiculously easy to throw up multiple variations. And once you’ve pasted the code in your site, you don’t need to even access your site again to make any changes. So even if you’re not super tech savvy, you can have your programmer paste the code one time, then you can test to your heart’s content through Visual Website Optimizer.
The only downside is their pricing is currently too expensive for smaller sites or those with less traffic. I’m hoping they’ll offer a “solo” plan or something similar soon for all you lone wolf agents out there.
Posted at 05:04h, 21 September厉害 这么多人在评论 不错
Terence Richardson
Posted at 02:09h, 22 SeptemberThe service looks interesting. I don’t know many fellow agents who take marketing and optimization to this level by using tools like these. I’ve used the google website optimizer and I tend to agree with you about it being a pain to use. I’ll have to take a further look at this but it may be cost-prohibitive at $50.00 a month…
Michael LaPeter
Posted at 16:47h, 27 SeptemberTerence, I agree it’s simply too pricey right now, but I wanted to post about it because frankly I think it’s pretty awesome. I signed up because they had a special promotion at a discount a while back. I think it would definitely make sense for a brokerage to consider, or a top producing real estate team.
Marc Brodeur
Posted at 23:39h, 23 SeptemberIt looks like a great tool Michael. Like Terence said I’m not sure if its worth the price….yet. Google optimizer is not as user friendly as it could be. The question is do the improved results create even one sale a year? If so, then it paid for itself completely.
Michael LaPeter
Posted at 16:50h, 27 SeptemberThat’s exactly how I think of things Marc. One extra sale pays for a lot of tech tools. Personally, I’m working hard to pare down my tech outlays to only things that really contribute, but sometimes it’s hard to monitor. I think this tool would more than pay for itself for a large broker/ team or top producing agent. Aside from just conversions, it gives insight into what your visitors want, since they vote by clicking. So, you could also use it to fine tune your whole marketing message everywhere else.
Justin Britt
Posted at 00:02h, 28 SeptemberA/B testing is the cornerstone of improving conversion rate. This tool looks pretty useful. Great post.
Randy Vanderpool
Posted at 04:13h, 02 OctoberThanks for covering A/B testing. I am thinking about getting more involved with it, but you’re right the cost is pretty high.
Randy Vanderpool
Posted at 04:13h, 02 OctoberThanks for covering A/B testing. I am thinking about getting more involved with it, but you’re right the cost is pretty high.
Real Estate Websites
Posted at 23:23h, 05 OctoberI’ve been using Google’s Website Optimizer for years and don’t mind it, but I suppose that’s mostly because I’m used to the interface. Thanks for the heads up about Visual Website Optimizer, though, I’ll have to check it out. We have some higher traffic websites this service may work perfectly for.
Real Estate Websites
Posted at 23:23h, 05 OctoberI’ve been using Google’s Website Optimizer for years and don’t mind it, but I suppose that’s mostly because I’m used to the interface. Thanks for the heads up about Visual Website Optimizer, though, I’ll have to check it out. We have some higher traffic websites this service may work perfectly for.
de slabit
Posted at 20:23h, 03 JanuaryI was been searching the google for such info and i wanted to thank u for the post. BTW, just off topic, where can i get a copy of this theme? – Regards
Posted at 14:14h, 12 NovemberI think i should try this test my self, it will helps newbies to learn new thing in web optimization industry. Thanks for sharing this