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Tag: conversion

The Next Major Consumer Win in Real Estate

The Next Major Consumer Win in Real Estate

You may remember, Zillow’s early positioning: Find the value of any home, without giving up your contact information (or some close iteration of that). Every home owner, buyer and seller wanted to know what houses are worth. But they most certainly were not willing to give up…

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Conversion Numbers for Agent and Broker Websites

Conversion Numbers for Agent and Broker Websites

I was having a conversation with a real estate agent the other day as a result of the test I ran as part of Startup Weekend Amsterdam, and we got to discussing conversion. Conversion, of course, varies depending on your goals. Generally, in a real…

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The Importance of A/B Testing

The Importance of A/B Testing

The bottom line is that you don’t know the best way to accomplish a goal until you try several different approaches of reaching the same goal. In the web world, that process is generally referred to as “A/B Testing”. A few months ago, I created…

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300 People Looking for Housing. In One Place. On One Day.

300 People Looking for Housing. In One Place. On One Day.

I have the unique opportunity to present at a housing fair for a graduate university program in Fort Worth. Actually, this has been a part of Fischer Real Estate Services business development strategy for the past couple of months. Imagine this – there are large…

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#retechchat Transcript – Conversion Strategies

#retechchat Transcript – Conversion Strategies

The topic of last night’s #retechchat was Conversion Strategies. Here is the text transcript that I saved for those who want to read through the entire discussion: Download it HERE (best to use TextEdit on a Mac from what I hear). Alternatively, you can view the discussion on TwapperKeeper under the…

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Tomorrow's #retechchat Topic — “Conversion Strategies”

Tomorrow's #retechchat Topic — “Conversion Strategies”

Tomorrow’s topic of conversation will be “Conversion Strategies”. Given that conversion is how agents and brokers make money, it’s no surprise it is a popular topic that continues to receive votes, so we’ll cover it again. If you have questions, want to learn, or just lurk…

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Why It usually takes 18 months to make money from your real estate site

Why It usually takes 18 months to make money from your real estate site

MY WIFE WILL VIOLENTLY PROTEST, but is building and marketing a successful site not unlike half of the pain and time of a full term pregnancy?  It starts with euphoria (not always well thought out), it starts growing on you, it becomes a reality, you…

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"Thanks for Commenting" and Standing Out in the Crowd

"Thanks for Commenting" and Standing Out in the Crowd

It’s common knowledge that you are less likely to be remembered if you are just like everyone else. To stand out in the massive online landscape (or anywhere else), you need to be unique. On the subject of standing out in the crowd, I’m curious…

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#retechchat Transcript – Online Lead Incubation

#retechchat Transcript – Online Lead Incubation

The topic of tonight’s #retechchat was Online Lead Incubation. Among other things, there was a wide range of discussion about forced registration (& lack thereof), conversion rates, and follow up strategies. Here’s a great tweet from Jeffrey Douglas that resonated with me on the topic…

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Zopim Live Chat for Lead Generation

Zopim Live Chat for Lead Generation

I’m starting to hear more and more people in the real estate industry talk and ask questions about Zopim, a company specializing in integrated live chat software for use on websites. Who’s using it, and is it generating leads for you?

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