Going "Viral" is a Real Estate Agents Dream Come True!
Yesterday on my personal blog I wrote of the concept of going “Viral” as it pertained to a recent segment I was featured in on a local news program regarding how the Internet is effecting Real Estate in the California Central Valley. Well that clip made it to BlipTV, then to websites throughout the company and so on and so on…
Though the majority of my readers are the 300 Agents I coach at Prudential California Realty, and they rarely leave a comment (hint hint), I did receive quite a few emails asking me to elaborate on the concept and where a Real Estate Agent may be able to benefit from it. My mind immediately turned to the concept of “Listing Sites” & “Single Property Websites” you have heard much about this concept lately, I am sure, but putting things into perspective is my speciality, so here goes….
Remember this commercial from the 1980’s with Joe Namath and the shampoo…”and they’ll tell 2 friends, and they’ll tell two friends, and so on and so on….(I tried so hard to find that commercial on video, but to no avail, so if you come across it, send it to me!)
Here’s how the math works!!! Look how fast it gets out of control….2, 4 ,8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096…
So now imagine your Seller’s listing on Trulia, Zillow, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Frontdoor….and so on and so on, someone likes it so they send it to a friend, who sends it to a friend and so on and so on…Now you have someone like MLBroadcast create and DISTRIBUTE a video/virtual tour of the property, someone sees it and they like it, so they send the link to a friend, who sends it to a friend and so on and so on…get the picture!!!!?????
So to summerize (using my first Jim’ism) “A listing without on line exposure, is like an electric fan…Stand in front of it and it blows, stand behind it and it sucks, stand beside it and does absolutly nothing!”
Agents Stop-Listen-Learn-Prosper
Posted at 23:39h, 02 AprilHi,
Gave me a great information on the property investment. In the same way on the research i saw a site that give simple and flexible decisions to provide an opportunity that make you active to make your dream come true.
Hope this save your time by having an estate agents advice.
Mike Price
Posted at 10:52h, 03 AprilEB,
I love the Jim’ism. Thanks for the link love!
Dana Griggs
Posted at 10:39h, 06 AugustAs viral a tool as it gets for real estate agents…
cheers, Dana