How Are You Using the iPad for Real Estate?
The iPad 3G came out last week and a few people I know were waiting to buy until the 3G version came out. I assume this was the case for many buyers. Of course the 3G model has a $14.99 per month service fee for 250MB of data transfer or $29.99 for unlimited transfer. Whats nice though is there is no service contract:
“Best of all, there’s no contract. So if you have a business trip or vacation approaching, just sign up for the month you’ll be traveling and cancel when you get back. You don’t need to visit a store to get 3G service. You can sign up, check your data usage, manage your account, or cancel your service — all from your iPad.” –
I’ll be honest, I don’t see a need for an iPad in my life. It may be partly because I’m not traveling as much as I used to or that I have a laptop, but somehow I’ve gone without buying one of Apples hot new products. In fact, I haven’t even played with one yet!
So with all the cool features, apps and possibilities the iPad brings to the table I am wondering: How are you using the iPad for real estate?
Matthew Cohen
Posted at 14:45h, 03 MayI have a similar question – what potential feature of the iPad “apps” – something you *couldn't* do just using a web browser application on the iPad – do you think will make your professional life easier and your business more profitable?
The only thing I can think of right now is location-aware search – but the patents and litigation around that make it unlikely we'll see new innovation using that feature. What else?
Todd Carpenter
Posted at 14:46h, 03 MayI would blow right through the 250GB limit so i would have had to purchase the $30 a month package. Everyone says that's a deal, but it seems high to me, especially considering I already pay for the same service on my iPhone. Right now, I'm looking at the 4G mobile hotspot from Sprint. It's more expensive than AT&T, but way faster and usable on my Laptop as well.
For RE Use, it seems like the iPad would be awesome for showing clients how their home will be marketed online during a listing presentation. Keynote would be perfect for this.
Victor Lund
Posted at 14:59h, 03 MayiPad has little use in Real Estate – but is is a very cool gadget. Forget about accessing the MLS via safari mobile for awhile. MLS systems are trying to catch up, but most are far behind.
For the same money and agent can have a laptop with a wireless card. The laptop blows the iPad functionality out of the water – works with REALTOR tools, and you can have access to all of your programs and files without changing your workflow.
But the iPad is very cool and I am sure that the WAV Group will own a few of them soon.
Posted at 17:56h, 03 MayI have 3 realtor clients who purchased them to use for listing presentations. They all utilize my photography and high definition video tours in their marketing, so it's a natural fit. There's a lot of sizzle with good photos and video and the iPad just is icing on the cake.
Because the iPad is such an intimate 'computer/ appliance' that you hold and touch, there is a very different reaction and connection than shifting a laptop around and having people look at it on a table while you navigate through a presentation.
Madison homes
Posted at 12:45h, 04 MayThe jury is still out as to whether the iPad will become a useful tool for Realtors. I could, however, easily see myself handing a client an iPad while driving between showings and having them click through the photos of the properties we're going to see next. I could also see myself going through an offer to purchase or listing agreement with a client on an iPad and having them sign it digitally. I don't think there's an MLS app for the iPad yet (at least not for my MLS), however in the meantime I wonder if it would be possible to access the MLS on an iPad with a program like logmeinignition? It supposedly works on the iPhone (I've been thinking about trying it since the Wifi version of my MLS is so dumbed down) so you'd think it would work on an iPad. At least that's what they said at the Apple Store last night. Also, I know that there is at least one digital signing app in development for the iPhone (, although it hung when I tried it last night) so you'd think once they nail that down the iPad would be next. In the meantime maybe I could access DocuSign on an iPad using logmeinignition? Would be interesting to see. In any case, it's still early days for the iPad so I think it's probably only a matter of time before we see real estate apps developed for it. At the very least it would make presentations less stressful since there is no awkward boot up time, access to apps is practically instantaneous, and battery life is so long (10-12 hours) it's unlikely you'd run out of juice. There is also a general sense that data is more accessible and consumable on this device than on another device such as a laptop because it is more intuitive and easily navigable by someone who is not the owner. The analogy that comes to mind is the difference between handing someone a magazine and asking them to open it vs. handing someone your laptop and asking them to find a magazine that's located on it. The difference may sound subtle but the user experience is a world apart.
Posted at 14:03h, 04 MayI went total geek last Friday, standing in the line for close to 90 minutes to be among the first to buy a 3G iPad — just cuz I wanted one. I was 40th in a line that moved super-fast (once the sales process actually began). It was a fun afternoon actually. Apple did it right.
After playing with my new toy for several days now, I'm starting to see more clearly what it will — and will not — do for me (right now). It's a brand new platform with very few apps so far. Not just a brand new device but really a brand new way to interact and a formfactor that mostly didn't exist before April 3, 2010.
Right now it's more of a “cool toy” as Victor pointed out. But, the applications for this size device are ssssooooo much greater than iPhone or other small displays. Usability is just HUGE by comparison.
Before I got into real estate, I sold LCDs for a living to companies like Apple, NCR, Dell and others. We were talking about devices just like this 10 years ago (of course the technology wasn't ready then). But, even 10 years back everyone saw amazing potential for tablet devices like this — the more specific the market app the better.
One great example is restaurant POS. Imagine your waiter entering your order on an iPad, eliminating mistakes and speeding up the arrival of your steak! Of course, she'd also have amazing details available there for you about calorie content, ingredients, etc.
In real estate, it will be an amazing tool for customer interaction — once the apps are there and the agents learn how to make use of the tools. So, it's signature, search, presentation and all the other things that we can all imagine. btw, Zillow's new app already kicks ass!
iPad and similar size tablets will be a game changer in RE and in many others businesses, but it won't be meaningful for quite some time. Just wait, it will happen.
victor lund
Posted at 06:11h, 06 MayMy daughter, Alexandra refers to the iPad as the ability to “touch the internet with her hands.” She is 7.
She does not have any legacy attitudes, just fresh experiences. For her, holding an iPad is as novel as holding a novel (intended). It is as though her hands are inside the games she plays. Extraordinary.
But for me, in all professional practicality – it is of little use beyond the fun factor and form factor. How do your kids like it Matt?
Daniel Beer
Posted at 15:48h, 08 MayRight now the short and to the point answer is that I am not using it enough. Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't own one. I admit that when it was announced it did not seem like something I would want, but every time I see one I can't help but stare in awe. Looking forward to becoming obsessed with it in the near future.
Gainesville Real Estate
Posted at 22:23h, 09 MayIf it doesn't have a GE suprakey app, I really don't see myself using this device.
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 14:20h, 10 MayLooks like the eKey app is coming soon:…
I don't see any reason the app wouldn't work on the iPad or iPod. I'll be holding my breath in anticipation.
property Hanoi
Posted at 00:54h, 12 MayIt seems like the iPad isn't really that well-equipped for real estate. Hopefully Apple is working on making it agent-friendly soon.
Posted at 15:47h, 15 MayI been looking at ipad for email and Internet… I love my blackberry for use as a phone and text but not for the internet.
Posted at 22:47h, 15 MayI been looking at ipad for email and Internet… I love my blackberry for use as a phone and text but not for the internet.
Posted at 14:10h, 12 OctoberWe have a solution for MLS on the iPad. Email [email protected] if you would like more information.
dieta anului 2011
Posted at 14:11h, 03 JanuaryI was beeing searching the Internet for this information and i wanted to say thanks to u for the post. By the way, just off topic, where can i get a copy of this theme? – Thank you
Posted at 07:09h, 26 JanuaryiPad is amazing. I had the original & upgraded last year to Ipad2. Use it for Real Estate, and find that many days I do t touch my laptop (MacBook Pro), I do not use any Windows products & I’ve found the ease of use to be a perfect combo for RE. In fact I just designed a flyer using only the IPad!