I recently came across a forum thread on AgentsOnline.net that I found interesting:

Zurple, Boomtown, Tigerleads, Buyerlink Help!

Ok I have added up the hours each week that I’m spending doing my own lead generation and it’s stupidly high. So instead of hiring an assistant to help with that and having to deal with payroll, taxes, them not showing up etc, I’m thinking of outsourcing the lead generation portion of the business. My time is much much better spent actually working leads than generating them. Mostly because I’m not that great with the computer stuff.

Anyway – does anyone have any experience with any of these places? I have gone on each of their websites and signed up to get more info. Haven’t heard from anyone yet. The funny thing is that the form on Tigerlead didn’t seem to want to submit. So this one may be on the outs already. If they can’t get their own registartion form to work on their own website I’m not sure they would have it working for me.

Let me know if anyone has used any of these sites and how you liked it. Thanks!

Here is one of the responses:

I just got off the phone with the Zurple guy. Holy cow! What a jerk! apparently their strategy to get you to cough up the big money is to tell you how incompetent you are. Not the best strategy. I was so ticked off by the time we hung up, that I will never EVER buy anything from them. He had some nerve let me tell you. Most infuriating sales call ever. I’d rather go buy a used car.

As it turns out, there are some Zurple haters out there.

What is the Zurple business model you might ask? Do they provide you a website? Yes. That said, Zurple is not a website company. Zurple is a Pay Per Click company that creates a website that THEY own. They run a ton of Pay Per Click campaigns (at your expense) and they LET you use the site as long as you pay the monthly bill.

The day you stop paying the bill? You are left with nothing. The URL, traffic, current clients using the website, and leads all go away.

Please people. OWN your brand. OWN your own URL. Don’t rent your most important online asset.