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Tag: cpc

Cost Per Click, by Geography?

Cost Per Click, by Geography?

For those doing search engine marketing, I’m curious — what are you paying for targeted traffic to your website? Please leave a rough ballpark dollar amount in the comments, along with the geographic area you do business in. If you’re willing to share the source of where you…

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Are You Building a TRUE Brand?

Are You Building a TRUE Brand?

Are you building a TRUE brand, or a business totally dependent on spending money to earn revenue? It’s a question each and every one of you should be asking yourself. Allow me to expand on the branding discussion I started a few days ago. Every business…

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Is Your Brand Rented or Owned? And The Zurple Business Model

Is Your Brand Rented or Owned? And The Zurple Business Model

I recently came across a forum thread on that I found interesting: Zurple, Boomtown, Tigerleads, Buyerlink Help! Ok I have added up the hours each week that I’m spending doing my own lead generation and it’s stupidly high. So instead of hiring an assistant…

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