SEO Tips for Listing Agents
What is SEO? Search engine optimization. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 4 years, you’ve surely heard of it… But wait, you are in the real estate industry, right? This is an industry that has been dragged into technology kicking and screaming the whole way. We have monopolistic MLS’s that seem to make matters worst as far as getting your listing data out to the widest audience as possible.
The question for most real estate agents is probably “Where do I start?” The options are overwhelming and there are an incredible number of websites that are glad to take your money. Rest assured, everything I’m going to tell you about is free. None of it works without a bit of effort though so here are my suggestions: – This is one of the first things you should be doing with every listing you get. Go to postlets and enter your listing. You can moan and groan all you want about having to enter your listing in yet another place but don’t be lazy, this is free and doesn’t take all that much effort. Postlets does MANY valuable things. First off, it syndicates your listing to Google Base, Oodle, HotPads, Trulia, DotHomes, Backpage, Vast, Enormo, Front Door and my personal favorite, Zillow. Next cool thing, it allows you to post your listing to all of your social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, etc. Another nifty thing it does is makes you a pretty ad for craigslist. All you have to do is copy and paste the code it generates into the description box on craiglist and presto, you’re practically done. Postlets also creates a one page website for your listing. That gives you a link that you can pass around and use in other online marketing efforts. Lastly, another one of my favorite things that postlets does is creates a custom webpage for you, the agent. Check out my postlets site here to see what this looks like. Something I really like about that page it creates is that it generates a map of where all of my listings are. This is good for illustrating your service area. One more small touch of information I’ll mention is that postlets allows you to insert the code for Google Analytics. This is invaluable for tracking where your hits are coming from and how many you are getting. This is a topic for a whole other article though. – The entire real estate profession came unglued when Zillow first started publishing their infamous Zestimates. How horrible that this data is easily put into our client’s hands! I’m sure you now realize, Zillow is here to stay. Like it or not, they are currently the #2 real estate web site. Instead of fighting this, embrace it. These guys ROCK for your SEO. Their links are followed and indexed by google. I encourage you to create a user profile on Zillow with links back to your own home page. I won’t give away all of my Zillow secrets here but let’s just say I’ve had 4 leads per month directly from my activity on Zillow and that number seems to be climbing. Get your profile on there at the very least people. – When I first looked at Twitter I thought, “what a useless waste of time”. Oh how wrong I was. Twitter gets indexed by Google FABULOUSLY. If you can think of NOTHING ELSE to tweet, at least use your postlets account Twitter feature and post your listings. This helps your SEO something fierce. Start doing this stuff and then try googling one of your listing’s addresses. Your twitter should be in the top 10 results. Since I’m using analytics I can see that probably 10% of my traffic is currently coming from twitter and I’m gaining followers just by posting. Check out my twitter page to see how I am using it.
Google Profiles – When you google your name, what do you get? Is it some post you made on the Usenet 10 years ago where you were flaming someone because they disagreed with you? Is it relevant? Ultimately your name is your calling card. You should take charge of it on google and make sure you like what you see. If not, here is one chance to change it and another chance for back links to your website or blog. If you have a google profile, this is the first thing someone will see when they google your name. I suggest you put it to good use. Hopefully one of your doppelgangers hasn’t already grabbed your name.
My goal is not to overwhelm you here. I’m simply trying to give you the list I wish I had 4 years ago. I’d say I wish I had it from the beginning, but some of this stuff didn’t exist in 2002 when I started real estate and if it did, it probably wasn’t that relevant to selling homes. Whatever the case, these are different times we live in. The industry is now driven by information empowered clients instead of by stuffy old brokerages bent on domination. The clients are getting this information one way or the other; what is best for you, the real estate agent, is to make it easy for them to get and to make sure your name is attached to it.
Posted at 19:54h, 21 May“This is an industry that has been dragged into technology kicking and screaming the whole way.”
Great points here Geordy, after working in the business for about a year as CTO at HBN Interactive, and after being in the job space for well over 8 years at CareerBuilder, it’s been a real eye opener (how folks in the Real Estate industry view technology at times).
I’m not sure if this is a generational issue possibly where the technology aspect of the Real Estate field is just too much of an ‘unknown’ for a large number of agents in the field?
Feeling uncomfortable with technology definitely seems to put up barriers and push back – can’t we see this from the demise of the newspaper industry over the last even 5 years. I had a conversation with a guy today that was offered a job with a MAJOR print advertising company in the late 90’s. He asked what their online strategy was to a handful of execs and they didn’t have an answer – even in the late 90’s. He didn’t take the job.
I think that as technology becomes easier and simpler to use, real estate industry professionals are taking hold and starting to use the tools that we are creating for them. This whole thing about NAR voting on indexing really makes me laugh. I am going to write a post on my thoughts tomorrow on that topic on my blog. Thanks for your post on how you’re using technology in the real estate niche 🙂
SEO Tips for Listing Agents | GeekEstate Blog - Real Estate …
Posted at 22:24h, 21 May[…] Link to Full Story provided by Mail this post […]
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swansonager - what is matt up to? » Blog Archive » Attention REALTORS®, this isn’t 1994. Google is your friend, not a scraper.
Posted at 08:55h, 22 May[…] Agent Genius – Did Google Scrape My Website? You Be The Judge Inman – Much ado over IDX indexing Real Town – Will you have to pull IDX listings? That’s how NAR IDX policy is interpreted lately. – NAR’s IDX Rule Changes Need More Study Geek Estate Blog – SEO Tips for Listing Agents […]
Posted at 17:27h, 22 Maythanks for these great inside detail tips, they always seem to help me. I just seem to not get enough of reading about SEO, but reading you’re post inspired me one step ahead.
Thanks for sharing mate, cheers.
Posted at 07:37h, 23 MayThanks for the tips & ideas!
If you want another positive result that promotes you & your brand on Google’s 1st results page you should also check out LookupPage ( This service in not a social network, but designated for people who want to create a highly visible web page on all search engines.
How to Make the Search Engines Want to Link Your WebSite | SEO Services
Posted at 10:08h, 23 May[…] SEO Tips for Listing Agents […]
Jonathan Fleming
Posted at 21:37h, 25 MayGreat writing my friend, you make some valid points. My industy is not listening, we could do so much more with real estate via the net with the old guard will let it happen. Just a shame, if you are licensed in Oakland CA you can’t see listings in San Francisco because of Board issues. Google is a great friend of real estate and so is the internet, great work, keep writing! Another thing, did the internet takeaway jobs from lawyers, car salespeople, etc…c’mon, real estate, relax and get in on the new wave!
Karen Schneider
Posted at 08:07h, 26 MayI found this fantastic article about traditional real estate agents vs internet real estate agents. Although some Realtors are holding onto the “old way” of doing business, there is proof that agents need to be online where buyers are looking for homes and people are looking for agents.
Jamie Colucci
Posted at 19:22h, 27 MayI wish all my agents could be this up to date on technology! I’ve talked to a lot of people who share your first impression of Twitter, Facebook and such who are now being blown away by how much the real estate industry is being changed by the current technology. Why is it such a surprise? Good work – keep opening eyes!
Mat Pellerin
Posted at 12:54h, 30 MayEven more good info (this post) that I’m finding on this blog as I explore on my first day here.
BTW, we keep a Point2 Web site running for the single reason that they make it so easy to, virtually automatically, syndicate my teams listings to so many of the above mentioned sites and more.
All my main sites are semi-custom, one on Drupal and two of them on WordPress. So, it should be obvious that syndication is THE ONLY reason I keep a Point2 site running with one of my many domains.
Ed Orem
Posted at 07:52h, 31 May[removed for self promotion – Ed, this post is about seo tips for listing agents, not twitter]
Bruce Wagg
Posted at 20:35h, 03 JuneIt’s funny, I had the same feeling about twitter when I first tried it. But I think the value of it is incredible. Great Tips
Twitter, Who Cares? | GeekEstate Blog - Real Estate Technology News and Analysis for Real Estate Professionals
Posted at 09:19h, 05 June[…] recently wrote an article on which tools you should be using first to gain traction with your internet marketing efforts. […]
Lyn Sims
Posted at 18:05h, 10 JuneThis post is pretty lame & doesn’t include many great options that are out there. How about Active Rain? VFlyers? Have you ever heard of CraigsList?
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 22:23h, 10 JuneThis post is not meant to be all inclusive. It’s also not meant for an expert level. The intention was for someone who has not gotten started down the path of syndicating their listings to a wider audience.
My point in writing this post is to not overwhelm a newbie. I wanted to give agents a starting point. Perhaps you haven’t used postlets. It has similar features to Vflyer and it creates a html ad for Craigslist. In fact, if you read the blurb on postlets, you’ll see Craiglist is mentioned in there.
Posted at 09:03h, 11 JuneGeordy, you wrote a good summary. I completely disagree with Lyn 100%.
Lyn Sims
Posted at 10:18h, 11 JuneI did not mean that the post was not well written, but there were too many different options that you did not mention. Postlets is not considered upper level, neither is VFlyer or CraigsList. If I was an agent just starting out using the internet to broaden my listing exposure, Twitter wouldn’t be it LOL! This is my opinion because I have been surrounded by people who can barely use a camera to take pictures of their listings! Twitter would send them over the top. You guys are a little sensitive to someone who disagrees with your suggestions.
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 11:48h, 11 JuneNow you are saying postlets, vflyer & craigslist are not upper level.
What would YOU put in the post? That’s why we have comments. I invited and encourage suggestions. That’s how we all learn new ideas. Saying my post is pretty lame isn’t very useful though.
You already mentioned Activerain. That is something I have not used since I run a self-hosted blog and honestly I haven’t looked into it closely yet. What else would you suggest for someone just getting started with listing syndication and internet exposure?
I’d say professional photography or at least passable pictures is a given but I agree with you that a large portion of agents don’t take it seriously enough. Regardless though, that isn’t really in the scope of this post.
Posted at 11:53h, 11 JuneHey Lyn, you might want to check with the tech person running your domain – – you’ve got html comments of method calls and parameters in your html source code – and it’s also well above the opening html tag – that’s a big no no from both a security and indexing standpoint – fwiw 🙂
Posted at 11:55h, 11 JuneIn fact, your database tables are also exposed in the html source as well – MAJOR security issues. Wanted to give you a heads up.
Lyn Sims
Posted at 12:13h, 11 JuneWe’re off the topic now, I’ve sent along what you’ve mentioned to the RE/MAX tech site. Thanks for your suggestions.
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 13:26h, 11 JuneSo back on topic Lyn, did you have any more input? What sites are you using to syndicate on the net and spread the word about your listings? Postlets covers a lot of sites like Trulia, Zillow, Googlebase, Craigslist, etc but are there more important ones that I’m completely overlooking?
Lyn Sims
Posted at 08:16h, 12 JuneLyn,
Our website provider has security in place to monitor their database. Your client information is not displaying on the consumer site, so there shouldn’t be an issue of your data being compromised.
This is what my tech people said about my site there Swansonager.
Geordy: Well we talked about pictures but with Postlets & VFlyers it is all about the pictures! Why do a nice virtual flyer and look at a toilet seat in a bathroom? Each flyer syndicates to a minimum of 10 and on Trulia, AR & CraigsList once you get the HTML you’re on your way! Most of my activity comes thru ActiveRain on a Postlets or VFlyer. Both virtual flyers gives you the opportunity to see where your traffic is coming from thus judging if that site is effective. I’ve had lots of activity from HotPads, FrontDoor, Yahoo and you didn’t mention that. I can’t even remember who sends that feed!
If your a listing agent, your want your listing everywhere it can be seen painlessly! Using the virtual flyers also gives the look of being unique that another agent might not do.
VFlyers let’s you do 2 listings free to check it out and do a test drive.
Are we all friends again?
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 23:42h, 12 JuneNo worries Lyn, we were never not friends. I guess I have gotten used to Postlets and spoiled by the price. I know a lot of agents out there are struggling and $free fits their budgets. Postlets syndicates to backpage, ByOwnerMLS, DotHomes, Enormo, FrontDoor, Google Base, HotPads,, Lycos, Oodle, Trulia, Vast and of course Zillow. Postlets also has the extra tools for Craigslist, Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the social networking bunch. Supposedly Postlets is soon going to offer more control of the actual design of the look and feel of the flyer. This is likely a reaction to what vflyer already offers in the design department.
Both have some nice features that differentiate themselves from each other but they are direct competition for certain. I’ve love to hear comments from someone who has RECENTLY used both. If you Google “vflyer vs. postlets” the arguments are based on outdated information since both services have been significantly adding to their offerings as of late.
Does anyone out there use both simultaneously on all your listings as a habit?
Lyn Sims
Posted at 08:07h, 13 JuneWell heck that would be me, I would welcome the opportunity to be your crash test dummy! I have listings on both right now.
Real Estate SEO Advice from HBN CTO Matthew Swanson | Big Winner
Posted at 18:45h, 03 August[…] Source: SEO Tips for Listing Agents […]
Posted at 00:51h, 10 SeptemberI recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Posted at 02:09h, 10 SeptemberGreat article, I'm from the UK and trying to learn about how you guy's over in the US do things. Thanks for taking the time to put this article online. There are some really good references and websites but sadly not useable over here in the UK yet. I will try listing properties to rent on twitter I must admit I sign on made one tweet and have not bothered since. Free traffic can not be sniffed at though.
International property listing
Posted at 19:35h, 14 JanuaryYou have good points in here. You know, when I started working online, the only question that hit my mind is “WHAT and HOW”.. At first I was really clueless on this stuff, but thanks to those website you mentioned earlier. Because as of now, I know WHAT and HOW isn't a question anymore. 🙂
Posted at 23:53h, 23 MaySEO does have different strategies that can be use. If you want to establish your name that you can think it'll help you doing your business then improve your online presence.
Roscoe Properties
Posted at 13:30h, 25 MayAwesome post. I just started using postlets for my apartments for rent in Austin on craigslist. Being a web developer I have a nice advantage over my competition 🙂
Roscoe Properties
Posted at 20:30h, 25 MayAwesome post. I just started using postlets for my apartments for rent in Austin on craigslist. Being a web developer I have a nice advantage over my competition 🙂
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Posted at 06:03h, 08 JulyGreat post! I happy to know that I am doing most of these, except optimizing the permalinks. I would also add including keywords in the title of your posts. It helps out tremendously. I read about SEO Services, and have found all of these tips to be very useful. The All-in-One-SEO pack is a must! I have seen my traffic double since I started using it.
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