Top 5 Apps For Adding MLS Search To Facebook
I’ve noticed an interesting trend developing; agents are adding MLS Widgets to their Facebook page. Some of the Apps being developed for Facebook are complete websites onto themselves that using clever scripting to shoehorn themselves into the Facebook Platform. Others offer sophisticated lead capture capabilities. One thing is for certain, IDX Vendors are beginning to provide Agents with a way to tap into Facebook’s 500 Million+ user base and providing home buyers with new tools to find homes inside their favorite Social Media platform.
In this article, I list 5 of the Top Apps currently available for adding MLS Search into your Facebook page.
The MLS App – The MLS App has been around for a while now. Jimmy Mackin has produced a beautiful appliance that allows Agents to add a sleek looking MLS Search to their Facebook Page. [update: this is no longer available]
RECake – This company does not provide an installable App through Facebook, but does provide a custom IDX service for adding MLS Search to Facebook, as well as a mobile search app. [update: this is no longer available]
IDXPro – An IDX MLS Search Widget that’s meant to be embedded into any website. They offer an App that Agents can instantly install into their Facebook Page. Sophisticated lead capture and Google Map Search, over 400 MLS Boards. [update: this is no longer available]
IDX-Buzz – The only solution that I’ve seen that supports multiple languages. IDX Buzz is available in 13 different languages. Users can also share listings on Facebook. [update: this is no longer available]
AgentIgnite – Not really a widget, but more of a Real Estate website that embeds within the Facebook platform. I just heard about them the other day from Tech Savvy Agent. Offers sophisticated lead capture capabilities and can function as it’s own stand-alone website. [update: this is no longer available]
If I neglected to mention anyone else who has a Facebook App for MLS Search, please feel free to add your own contributions.
Jonas Boli
Posted at 23:31h, 04 AugustCheck out Zillow’s Facebook apps too – they let you add tabs for listings, local information, reviews, and a simple contact form.
Jonas Boli
Posted at 23:33h, 04 August
Kyle Miller
Posted at 16:08h, 05 AugustHow about something for Commercial RE agents?
Kyle Miller
Posted at 16:08h, 05 AugustHow about something for Commercial RE agents?
Posted at 23:53h, 14 AugustIDX-Buzz supports Commercial listings if they are in the MLS, and the new Listing-Buzz app ( scheduled for release this week ) supports commercial listings if manually entered or sent to the platform via data feed. All the major commercial search and description fields, in 13 languages giving exposure to international investors as well as local Facebook friends.
Gabe Sanders
Posted at 18:04h, 06 AugustAre any of these apps mobile friendly? It seems to me that more and more people are on Facebook with their smart phones these days.
Joe Trusty
Posted at 15:18h, 08 AugustGabe, I can’t speak on the others because I haven’t dug far enough under the hood, but I do know that IDXPro comes with a mobile IDX Search.
Posted at 23:55h, 14 AugustIDX-Buzz is mobile friendly. If your prospects access Facebook through iPad, iPhone it will work very well. BB works OK, but the screen is small so not a great experience.
Riverside Home Source
Posted at 19:32h, 08 AugustI really like Jimmy of@ the MLS app – he’s super responsive and a good resource- the app looks clean and works well too
Juan Cancun
Posted at 20:08h, 25 AugustYou should check out SocialKandy too ( The Real Estate Facebook App has several advanced features that bring the MLS “social integration” to another level.
Posted at 13:22h, 23 SeptemberAwesome one:
enables you to add a listings page right on your facebook page, directly linked to your MLS. Customizable and neat and tidy.
view a sample:
Posted at 02:11h, 15 MarchSomebody needs to create an app that has a better solution for IDX. The IDX pro looks good but it is still a template. I think the SEO IDX solutions that have imbedded IDX shoudl step up. Maybe making a SEO Friendly Facebook page with a good IDX solution would be a good idea?
I am on the test mode of the IDX Pro app and I will say that it is the best that I have been able to find but that just means that we need to see something from REW, Diverse Solutions or Geek Estate!
Please visit my Facebook page and let me know what you think about this app! We need some likes to hit 30!
Brandon Wayne Patton
Posted at 02:13h, 15 March
Drew Meyers
Posted at 02:21h, 15 MarchI’m still not personally convinced people are going to search for properties within Facebook. I just don’t think that’s the mindset they are in while on FB..
The Isaacs Team CB Dupont DC
Posted at 08:06h, 23 NovemberFacebook has its own app for agents now