I was having a discussion today (via comments on a Facebook status) regarding using video in your marketing in 2011, and the topic of “bad” videos came up. Now this isn’t a new concern by any means. Many people avoid using video in fear that having a poorly lit or shaky video will actually hurt their marketing efforts. To this I always say: “What about awful listing photos? Those are posted far too often, but photos are necessary to sell a home.”

Now, whether or not photos and videos are on the same level is up to the customer, but if you look at the stats around video it’s pretty clear that they’re in love with it.

According to comScore 178 million people watched 33.2 billion videos in the month of December alone, with the average user watching 187 videos per month in the U.S. Those are pretty powerful numbers, and that data is from 2009! I can only imagine where those numbers are today and hope that comScore releases a new study soon.

When you combine the video viewing habits of Internet users with the explosive growth of Facebook (71.2% of the U.S web audience is on there) and the fact that videos are the most viewed posts on Facebook, using video seems like a no brainer.

Even with those mind-blowing statistics above some agents are still hesitant to use videos in their marketing. I think I have a solution that can ease you into using video in your marketing in 2011: community videos. Instead of doing a video for every listing (this can be time consuming, I know) start by doing community videos. These have a longer shelf life (hopefully!) than listing videos and will still impress your clients. If you’re still worried about the quality of your videos hire a local videographer to shoot your video for you. But honestly, I wouldn’t worry. People are in love with video. Not professional video, just plain video.

What are your thoughts on using video in your marketing? If you’re using it, how are you using it. If you’re not using it, why not, and do you ever plan to?

Disclosure: I’m co-founder of Zipvo, a website that offers real estate video solutions to agents, so I may be a bit biased on this topic. However, I don’t care what type of video you use, I just think you should use it!

[Photo credit: Ugly House Photos]