Last Week we Discussed … Step 5 – “Put The “Hubba Hubba in Hub & Spoke”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

The “Hubba Hubba” of course was our Blog, or the “Hub” in our “Hub and Spoke” design presence.

If you set it up on you got this crazy long Domain name like … … using our example. Holy Crap! How can I ever use this crazy name on my Business Cards? or my Just Listed Cards?

#1 – DON’T use this ANYWHERE on Printed Materials, DON’T use the Voice number either! Think back to  Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence where we discussed keeping your “Branded” email & Voice number totally separate from your current Contact info? and why? because it will give you a simple way of determining the success or failure of your Online presence =)

#2 – Use that same philosophy when designing your Domain names.

So, let’s get started. We will be creating (If you don’t have one already) a GoDaddy account 1st. Why GoDaddy? Are there other Registrars? Yes, but GoDaddy is simple to manage, typically inexpensive, and has Hotter Chicks on the Home Page!

  1. Go to and click “Create Account” at Top Left corner of page
  2. Complete info, check the “I Agree” box (After you have read the 47 page Terms of Service of course!) and “Create Account”
  3. Please DO NOT use your Bank PIN# as a PIN# here! NEVER use that PIN anywhere but your ATM card.
  4. Buy 3 Domain names (Again assuming you do not have one yet, if you do have one, you will most likely buy 2)
  • 1st one will be a long crazy one, designed strictly for Google. Our example would be … This Domain will be “Redirected” to your site, and contains the Keywords that are helpful to Ranking.
  • 2nd one will be Short, Sweet, & to the point (Like me). Our example would be This is for display on ALL your Internet locations. When ANY Internet profile asks for your “Website”, this is what you put there. It’s simple, easy to remember, and effective! Forward this Doamin with Masking.
  • 3rd one will be what you put on your Business Cards  and “Traditional” printed materials. For Our example it might be or my favorite  because it keeps with your Branding, =) Sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Forward this Domain with Masking as well.

Having a strategy behind your purchasing of Domains is just a Good Idea!

Next week – Step 7 – “Love to Hear Your Clients Going Tweet Tweet Tweet”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

For your review … Coach

Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 3 – “Aces in Their Google Places”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 4 – “Be a Star on YouTube”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 5 – “Put The “Hubba Hubba in Hub & Spoke”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence