Last Week we Discussed … Step 7 – “Love to Hear Your Clients Going Tweet Tweet Tweet”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Facebook Logo       Facebook Logo 2

Today we create a Facebook Business Page … “But I have a Facebook Page Dad?” I didn’t say Facebook Page kid, I said Facebook “Business” Page! … “But I have a Facebook Business Page Dad?” … Perhaps you do kiddo, but it is not “Branded”

Oh, so I need a “Branded” Facebook Page, that is “Strictly” for Business purposes  YES!  … Why?

When Facebook started, way back in 2007 (Ya Ya, I know, August 2006, shut it! People starting using it, as a Social Network as we know them to be today in 2007!) There was just “Personal” Pages. So many Businesses, recognizing the power of Social Media, opted to create a Business oriented page out of a Personal Page and conduct Business on it. Which was fine then, but how do you feel when you are trying to use Facebook for Personal uses, and they keep Throwing Business crap at you!!?? You hate it right? Well, Facebook, created an answer for that, and a few years back created “Facebook Fan Pages” which has Morphed into Facebook Business Pages. The “Correct Place” to do Business on Facebook.

Frustration 2

“But Dad, all the other kids Parents  let them do Business on their Facebook Personal Page, Why can’t I?”

“If all the other kids Parents let them play on the freeway, does that mean it’s alright for you to?”

Come on Guys, really, just do the right thing! Let’s raise the bar, if even just a little?!

Ok fine, but How do I create a Facebook Business Page? I’m so glad you asked …

  1. We are Assuming that you have an existing Facebook Personal Page, if not, please create one prior to continuing
  2. Log on to your Facebook Personal Page
  3. At the top of the page is a Search Bar, place into that the name of any existing Facebook Page, and go to that page.
  4. When you are there, you will see in the top right corner, a blue button that says “Create a Page” … click on that. (If you struggle with this, type “Create a Facebook Business Page” into Google and it will be at the top of the list
  5. Choose “Local Business or Place”
  • Under Category choose “Real Estate”
  • For “Business Name” Carefully script a “Branded Name” from your Brand (Beachwood Canyon Hollywood Homes) … even add a term like “For Sale” after it for a lil extra pizzaz!
  • Address/City/Zip Code – Come on! Really? You can figure that one out
  • Under “Phone” – Place your Branded Google Voice Number! 
  • “Agree” to the Terms! lol and click “Get Started” =)

Some helpful advice regarding what to do next …

  • Add a current photo of you
  • Create a “Cover Art” that clearly expresses your brand
  • Update ALL the Bio info, including using your Branded email, voice number, and Domain
  • “LIKE” your own Page =)
  • Create a Unique User Name so people can find you easily. For us it would be “BeachwoodCanyonHollywoodHomes”
  • DO NOT ask people to come like your Page  until you have placed at least 20 pieces of Content on it!!! Who the heck wants to like a Page without substance?

Nice Job Campers, you have a Facebook Business Page! The Possibilities are endless =)

Next week – Step 9 – “IFTTT I Only Had a Brain”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

For your review … Coach

Series Intro: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 1 – Branding: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 2 – Branded Contact Info: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 3 – “Aces in Their Google Places”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 4 – “Be a Star on YouTube”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 5 – “Put The “Hubba Hubba in Hub & Spoke”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 6 – “Ready, Set, GoDaddy”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence

Step 7 – “Love to Hear Your Clients Going Tweet Tweet Tweet”: 12 Steps Crucial to an RE Professional’s Internet Presence